Letter ID: 0829
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.222r-223v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0829/008
Date: 11 May 1589
Note: On fol. 222v there is a manicule in the margin at the words 'were charged so unjustly'.
Copies: 1352 


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsngham knight, Principall Secreatary to her Majestie

Endorsed: 11 May 1589 From Master Bodley.


Later Addition: Belgia 11 Maij 1589

It may please your H. to advertise her Majestie that the 8 of this moneth I receaved her Highnes letter of the 26 of April and the rest in that packet: at the very same instant, as Master Loosen and Master Valcke were departing for England. And for that I was newly recovered of a daungerous Dysenterie, but not in so good plight, that I durst adventure to goe to the Generall states my self, I acquainted Master Loosen and Master Valcke with her Majesties intention for sending some body hither, which I requested them in my behalf to impart unto the states: to whome there was answear made, that they desired nothing more, then the com- ming of some suche person, and woulde resolve to answear me further, when I could come unto them my self, or should otherwise by writing, deliver her Majesties pleasure unto them. Wheruppon at their next meeting, I sent the declaration heereinclosed in writing, and this day I receaved their answear, which I have also sent yow. Her Majesties lettres to the townes, I thought very requisit to suppresse, for divers considerations, and uppon conference with persons of good understanding: especially for that I doe not finde any inclination in any towne, to disu- nite themselves from the rest: as also for that I knowe these townes will thinke it straunge, that ether to me, or to any that I should send, they should signi- fie, the state wherein thei stand, and the places adjoining. Besides that the Generall states will greatly stomacke this dealing by letters with particular townes, unles the occasions were other: and likewise other places, that are not written unto, will quickly enter into wrong conceats and imaginations, whereto this people are infinitly subject. In suche cases, when her Majestie shalbe pleased to write to any Province, towne, or other- wise, I shall not be able to doe her service to better effect, and with better correspondence to the present state of their affaires, then by lettres of credence.

It hath pleased her Highnes notwithstanding these dishono- rable and unworthy courses, that have bin taken by fol.222v
the states, rather to passe over with silence the wrong that thei have offered, then to attend the daunger, that both her self and they might falle into, by further con- testation. For mine owne part I am very muche [confacted] uppon the resolucion: for that I knowe her Majesties honour is nether bettered nor impared by mea- nes of their Actions. Nevertheles, if uppon the like occasions heereafter it might seeme expedient, I would desire desire to understand, by some litle in- timation before hand, her Majesties secret intentions. For so I might often times direct my negotiation to a great deale better purpose, for all eventes.

The answearing of the Placcart, I did thinke in my last to your H. to be very requisit, especially be- ing done by my L. effectually, and in a temperat kind. For doutles suche Pamphlets prevaile very muche with this people. I did well hope that their printed copies would have bin called in, but I see them nowe in every mans hand: and my L. Apologie is greatly expected, many suspending their judge- ments, till thei heare what he can say. For surely the wisest of them heere, will hardly conceave so farre, that as to thinke, that if a man of his qualitie were charged so unjustly, he would putt it up quietly without any answear. And besides it will engender a greater gelousie and distrust in this people against the Inglishe nation: who are already growen into as great a disgrace among them, as ever were the Frenche. For they are come to that passe, that whatsoever is complained of against us, be it never so absurd or unlikely, they both beleve it, without further enquirie, and proceede to consulta- tion uppon it, with suche heat and passion, as I ne- ver see them goe to it, with so good a will against the Ennemie. It may be feared perhaps, that the wri- ting of Contradictorie bookes, will but exasperat their humours the more, and occasion greater disunion: wherof, for mine owne part, I have no doubt in the world fol.223r
Uppon occasion of this last lettre of her Majestie unto me, Barnevelt came to visit me, of whose speeches to make your H. pertaker, it would be too tedious. But I was rounder with him, then ever before, and he giveth me great hope, by his protestations, of alte- ring his diffident and froward course of procee- ding with her Majestie. The Deputies for England departed from hens 3 daies /since:/ but I thinke they will make 3 or 4 daies stay in Zeland. The generall state of these Provinces groweth every day weaker. For the drumme goeth in sundrie places, and hardly a souldier can be gotten. The Ennemie is before Blienbeecke with the Canon: and Berche hath sent hither, to knowe whether they shall abandon the towne, and salve the Artillerie: for that they live up- pon their magazine, and see no meanes to be revictualed. Moreover the Ennemie hath taken a Fort by Hemert and endevoureth to impale the 2 rivers of the Wael and Maese: which will be the losse of half a score tow- nes together, if he speede of his purpose, and a no- table hindraunce to the chiefest traffique of Dort and all the townes adjoining. The Councel heere hath resolved to reside at Utrecht for a time, supposing that their presence wilbe a great comfort and a strength to that contrey for many respectes. Howbeit it is likely my L. of Buckhursts comming will alter their purpose. As I have signified in some former letters to your H. and my L. Tresuror, the dissention between the Governor and Captens of Berghen, and other great abuses among them, doth give great occasion of offense to this people. And though thinges doe not stand by many degrees in so badde termes, as they will needes be persuaded, yet it is highe time they should be reduced to some better discipline. In which respect they have intreated me earnestly, assoone as possibly I shall be able, to goe thither, with suche other Commissioners as they will appoint: which I hope to doe within these 5 daies. fol.223v
I have putte my L. of Buckhurst in minde, of two principall pointes, /in/ which it wilbe necessary to have the decision of some learned Civilians: for that otherwise, he shall finde them heere very obstinat and stiffe, in maintening prejudiciall mater unto us. It may please your H. to reade, and if yow thinke good, to cause the letter to be sealed and delivered. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage May 11. 89. Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
