Letter ID: 0826
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.210r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0826/008
Date: 08 May 1589
Copy of: 0177


Endorsed: Coppy of a letter to my L. Treasurer the 8 May 1589


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 8 May To my L Treasurer

It may please your L. so to welcome Master Loozen and Master Valk, as they may partlye parceave that your L. will do yt in regard of my wryting. For though the self same streame hath caryed them with the rest in theyr publick consultations, yet theyr dealing hath bin ever more moderate, and in particular to me very loving & kynde. I do assure my self that they ar enjoyned in this voyadge to deale in divers causes against theyr owne proper judgementes, as your L shall parceave by the managing of theyr buisynes. But yet they will not seeme to disunite them selves, or hazarde the losse of the theyr lodging in Holland. I do not name Monsieur Egmond, though he beare the fyrst place in commissyon: for that I fynd him one of the worst affected parsons in this contrey, against the English nation. For which I recommend the other two to your L. and take my humble leave. From the Hage. May 8 1589
