Letter ID: 0817
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.160r-161v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0817/008
Date: 15 April 1589
Note: The superscription is written on fol.161v: there is no separate address leaf.


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principal Secretary to her Majestie.


Later Addition: Belgia 15 Apr: 1589

Later Addition: 15 April 1588

It may please your H. the Letter whiche yow sent by Master Caron, I receaved the 13 of this moneth, and theruppon have imparted unto him, and will im- part from time to time, whatsoever shall be requisit for her Majesties service. But I see smalle apparance of any good that will come of it. For heere was ne- ver nothing omitted on our part, that ether by pub- like speeches, or by private conference, and taking of counsell, might seeme to be necessary for the redresse of thinges, but it hath bin attempted. Your H. may remember howe I came hither prepared with your letter of Commendacion, and other speciall meanes to Barne- velt, to winne him to her Majestie. But in truth I could never finde in him, but a rude and untractable [In margin: Barnevelt [Constancy]]
nature, deliting continually to oppose himself against the Inglishe government. For so it pleaseth him and some others to terme her Majesties directions. The Councell of state, as I have often signified in my for- mer letters, I have alwaies found well affected, to take any course with her Majestie and so the greatest part that are heere of account. But suche as never heeretofore could brooke her Highnes proceedinges, are nowe growne so desperat, uppon their ill successe in the siege of Gertrudenbergh as to cover their owne folly, and to blind the eies of this people, that exclame against that enterprise, they care not in what termes thei stand with her Majestie nor howe ma- litiously thei charge her principall ministers. It is almost incredible, that the farre greater part, and men of best judgement heere, should see, and confesse and yet suffer this proceeding: whiche they doe not- withstanding, and excuse it, for that thei thinke in short time, the principal doers will ruine themselves with their owne headdines and violence, without further tro- ble to the state. Whiche I doe not otherwise thinke, but must needes come to passe: but in the meane season the present state is in hasard. It is endevoured heere by suche as best tender the common cause, to procure fol.160v
the states to send some honorable embassade to her Majestie for the according of all maters. If they shall resolve uppon it, as I thinke thei will, I will labour what I may to gett indifferent persons to be sent. I have sent your H. heerewith a dutche copie of the states Placcart against those of Gertrudenbergh, and the same translated into Inglishe: wherof I signified in my last to my L. Treasurer, and of the protest that I made against it. But I feare lest that letter, and an other before in answear to her Majesties is yet in Zeland for want of a winde. I have used very earnest solicitation, and the councell of state hath joined with me, that the prin- ted copies of the placcart might be suppressed. Wheruppon the states have promised to doe som- what, and to deliberat: but I feare the printer hath dispersed some copies already. They have also bin told of the injurie done to Sir Francis Veare, who is named among those in the Plac- cart, that are proclamed by name: whiche they seeme to acknowledge, and will take suche order as thei say, that it shall not prejudice his credit. But considering what copies are abroade, it will hardly be done. I beseche your H. that some present order may be taken, for the establishment of discipline, and redresse of divers abuses among those of her Majesties pay. For it is the greatest and almost only advantage, that suche persons [.] are ill affected in this place, worke uppon, and for certaine it doth alienat many good mens mi[[ndes]] very muche. For though it be not so badde, as some give it out, yet it is worrse a great deale, then that I can excuse it. They alleage agains[[t]] us the continuall absence of some capteins in En- gland, and of others heere in these contreis, from their garrisons: the weaknes of most companies, [[the]] want of their sufficient nomber; the unfitte fur- niture of the souldiers in their armour and apparel[[.]] fol.161r
the [.] of Captens places, and other enormities, whiche are made so apparant by them, as if be not redressed, both her Majestie will be very muche defrauded, and this contrey ill served in time of necessitie. And if some exemplary reforma- tion might be made of these thinges with expedition, doutles it would give this people an exceeding great contentment, and her Highnes should but neede to aske, and shall obtene what she list among them. Master Caron feareth lest the publishing of the placcart will be occasion to divert her Majestie wholy from protecting any longer the cause of this contrey. Howbeit for mine owne part I stand in hope that it will produce some better effect. For I doe assure your H it is generally heere condemned, as a very rashe and an inconsi- erat Act, proceeding altogether of coller and ma- lice: and though it goe fourth in the name of the States, yet every man doth knowe, and doth name the prin- cipall autors. And if with H. good leave, and un- der humble correction, I might shewe my opinion, as touching the course that is nowe to be taken, uppon the confidence that I have, that her Majestie will not for- sake this people, I could wishe that she would not seeme to acknowledge her self much interessed in the placcart, but leave the answearing of it to my L. Willughby: by whome it would be done very fully and effectually, and published in print for the justification of his actions, and other mens that are wronged in it. Nevertheles it would be very requisit that her Majestie should touche the Generall states with some sharpe letter, for that they would be ledde to suche a dishonorable action, concluding notwithstanding what the continuance of her good meaning towardes the people and state, and adding an assured promise, whatsoever is amisse in the Inglish nation heere, to see it reformed to their satisfaction: willing them to ratifie their /her/ intention in that behalf to all their provinces and townes. My trust is fol.161v
that your H. in wisdome, and of your speciall fa- vour towardes me, will impute my bolde advise in this mater, rather to that desire that I have, to serve her Majestie unfainedly, then to any presum- ption. Master Caron, with whom I have conferred at large, doth concurre with my opinion, for this kinde of Course. I have sent your H herewith a translated copie of the capitulacions between the Duke and the garrison and burghers of the towne of Gertrudenbergh: which, with all the rest, and this letter, I shall request your H. to impart with my L. Treasurer, by whome as I learne by Master Caron, a letter was written unto me, about the time of his departure, which I have not yet receaved: And so I take my humble leave. From the Haghe. 15 April 89. Your H. most humbly bound Tho. Bodley.
