Letter ID: 0811
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.131r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0811/008
Date: 01 April 1589


Endorsed: Copy of my lettre to my L Treasuror March 29 April 1. 89.


Later Addition: Belgia 1589 primo Aprillis To my L Treasurer

It is nowe written hither, that th'ennemy is in earnest parle with those of Gertrudenberge, and hath gotten the possession of those fortes, without the Towne which Conte Maurice had made: whoe is departed with parte of his forces toward Williamstatt & Tertoll, whear the ennemyes comminge is also feared. It is further advertised out of Brabante by some that are theare with th'ennemye, & geive intelligence hither, that thear is some practise towardes betweene Schincke, and the ennemy; which is not signified which any other circomstance. Notwithstandinge thease men heere promise him so little, and then parfourme so slowly that which they promise, usinge him every way veary hardly, as I doubte in th'end it will fall heavely uppon them. The like is signified hither againste Cappten Salisburye, of Bergen op Some, that he hath some intelligence with th'ennemy: wheareof I have certified Sir Thomas Morgan, and the Capten theare, wishinge that he might be removed untill he come hither in parson, and justifie his cause: for that this Consell of State hath had continually a vehemente suspition of his doinges, and will charge him, as it seemeth, with divers particularities./