Letter ID: 0802
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.55r-57v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0802/008
Date: 20 February 1589


Addressed: February 20. 88. To the right honorable my very good Lorde, e Lorde high Treasurour of England

Endorsed: February 20. 88 to My L. Treasurour


Later Addition: Belgia 1589. sti: Rom. 20 Feb. To Master Secretary.

Right honorable, and my very good Lord, I presume that Master Killegrew hath so acquainted your L. with the present state of this government, as I neede not be troblesome in that behalf, but only signifie, that it was confuse, when he departed from hens, /and/ so it doth continew, geving very litle hope of a better state towardes. For all is heere directed by Holland, and Holland is caried away by Barnevelt, whose resolucions are so full of self will, and so opposit to her Majesties proceedinges, as there are of the wisest a- mong themselves, that feare by his dealing, some great alteration. For the hindraunce wherof, I can not readely propose any one better meanes, then if that course whiche is held betweene him and Ortell, might be stopped in England. For maters heere are so handled at this present, as in whatsoever cause the states general, or they of Holland and Zeland have to deale with her Majestie, they nether propose it before to the Councell of state, nor impart it with her Majesties Lieutenant or Counsaillor, but by Barnevelts di- rection solicit all by Ortell, and so receave their dispatche: wherby the reputation of every action, doth redound unto him, and her Majesties Lieutenant and ministers are litle regarded. Howbeit when any suche requestes, or propositions of theirs, shalbe offered at home, if it might stand with her Majesties pleasure in maters that require no hast, and are belonging to the government heere, to putte them of, and refuse to answear, untill she be advertised from hens, howe thinges are understoode, no dout it would be a great meanes to make them use her Majesties servants with a greater respect, and to thinke themselves lesse stee- ded by Barnevelt: as also it would maintene cor- respondence, betweene our actions heere and at home, and minister meanes to many thinges of easier dispatche. This being an honest, and a direct way, and benefi- ciall for her Majesties service, I am bold to referre it to your L. consideration. What hath passed fol.55v
betweene the states general and me about the articles of my Instructions, and other like buisnes, I doe not dout but Master Secretary will informe your L. They are very muche disquieted by reason the supernumerarie com- panies are still detened in the Cautionary townes, which is a point that will hardly stand with the Contract: and yet it is generally thought, that if they should be once drawen fourth, we shall nether be able to place them there againe, and the townes will be masters of those that shall remaine. It is given out, that the ennemie hath an intention of an enterprise uppon Ber- ghen and ostend, wherof they are advertised heere from sundrie places. And yet it may be imagined, that all is but a scarrecrowe, to make the Governours of those townes more unwilling to spare of their companies for the Portugall voiage. Sir Martin Schincke hath defeated an Italian company, of whiche the most part were slaine, and many taken prisoners. The captaines coullours he hath sent to me, for a token to her Majestie to whome he hath also written to suche purpose as Master Secretary will impart with your L. The Ammond of Thule hath agreed with the states, taken his oth, and cast downe his fort. My L. Willughby who departed hens for England the 15 of this moneth, taketh Gertrudenbergh in his way, where it is certified hither, that the souldiers are fallen into a mutine among themselves: which I hope my L. will appeare for the time. But the government there is so popular, and so voide of discipline, and injurious to all the Contrey therabout, as every other day come hither to the state newe complaintes against them. They pretend to hold the towne for her Majestie but considering what people they are, and howe litle a governour can prevaile among them, it is greatly to be feared, lest waxing weary of him, or one of an other, they will make the most of the place, and turne to the ennemie. Heere with I send your L. a booke, whiche the autor himself a student of Leiden hath sent unto me for her Majestie unto whome it is dedicated. If your L. shall vouchesafe the fol.56r
deliverie, and use a litle mediation, for some smalle reward, in token of her Highnes acceptation, it wilbe a great encouragement to the yonge man, being but twenty yeres of age, and scarce of 5 yeres study, which is almost incredible, but that it is knowen to be true, as I finde in this contrey many straunge wittes of the like age, and of as great or greater forwardnes in learning. It hath bin written hither from Arnham, that for certaine the Bishop of Maience, the Elector, is maried. Howbeit it is signified without further particularitie, and not otherwise confirmed sins. Ha- ving nothing els, to signifie from hens, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. February 20. 88. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley

Postscript: There are other letters come newly from Arnham, whiche confirme the mariage of the Elector, and signifie further that the Bishop of Liege is deceased: and that those of Collen of the religion use publicke preaching. It is also written from Andwerp, that the Spaniardes have besett the house of the Jesuites: but I can not yet learne, in what maner, nor what the cause is: unles it be for that, which I have seene testified by divers letters, that the Jesuites preache in many places, that the D of Parma his toleration of the Protestants in that contrey was the chief cause, for which God would not prosper the Spanishe fleete. Moreover this day the K of Navarra sent hither a letter of thankes to the states, for the two hundred thousand florins which they promised by Du Fay his Embassador, to lend him, for the Levieng of forces in Germany. He requesteth the continuance of that promise, that way, and to procure the like from some others, desiring that their mony may be ready, when the time shall require.
