Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IV f.32r-33v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0797/008
Date: 30 January 1589
Copy of: 0139
Endorsed: Copie of a letter to Master Secretary Walsingham the 30 January 88.
Endorsed: Copie of a lettre to Master Secretary Walsingham 30. January 88.
Endorsed: Anno 88. Anno 89 Anno1588 and 1589
Later Addition: Belgia 1589. sti: Rom 30 January To Master Secretary Walsingham
It may please your H. I have heerwith sent the copie of that which I delivered the states generall, uppon her Majesties Instructions: also their Answear, and my Replie againe, Wherein I have used Master Gilpins assistance, by whose ad- vise, as likewise by Master Killigrewes, I did alter divers pointes, to the end they might have bin the better drawen on, to a good acceptation, at the lest of some of them. But I finde them very stiffe, Wheresoever thei settle: especially Barnevelt, who, as I suspect, doth continew in his wonted alienation, for any good conceat of her Majesties proceedinges. I have dealt with him privatly and publickly, and I have offered my extraordinarie travell for effecting sundrie their demaundes. But it seemeth by his speeches, and by the cariage of himself, that he hath litle respect, to any promise that we make. The Answear which I send was of his owne penning, and savoureth alltogether of his ordinarie phrase, which is somwhat imperious, violent and bitter: which in making the Replie, I thought behoo- full not to leave untouched, though not so muche to the quicke, as happely was needefull, in an answear for her Majestie. I hope aswell that as all the rest will stand with your H. good liking, considering there is nothing sette downe, to prejudice suche farther answear, as her Majestie shall send hither. I am every day urged by the Councell, and somwhat angerly sometimes, as if I had commission sufficient, about reducing the Cautionarie garrisons to the nomber by Contract: wherto I make no other resolucion answear, but that it was her Highnes resolucion, and so doth continewe, unles their owne backwardnes, in according her petitions, shall occasion the contrary. I can not use more inducements unto them, for the releasment of Deventer, and the restitucion of those of Leiden, the President Aisma & then I have done already. But I see that almost the very names of those persons are odious unto them: of Deventer in speciall: whose very best frindes have al- most given over, to solicite his deliverance. For they fol.32vfinde a strong opinion conceaved of him, that being sette on libertie, he will worke his revenge, by setting a foote many sinister practises, ether in England or els where, to the ruine of these Provinces. Moreover I have bin openly answeared at the Councell table, that since my comming hi- ther, and her Majesties last writing, he hath braved the ma- gistrats of Utrecht, with so muche insolence, as they could not digest it. They have lately charged him againe with newe Articles, and restrined him from his former liber- tie in prison. It is most mens talke, and I do partly perceave it by the humour of his letters, that his owne vaine glory hath done him very muche harme, and hath caused him to advise his frindes to suche courses, as nether stand with their credit, nor his owne. Nevertheles for that I know it is her Highnes pleasure, I doe not give over, to practise his enlargement. This day I receaved a letter from him, re- questing me to write once againe to the Count de Meurs: which I have done to suche purpose, as he himself hath requested. Likewise for Saravia, and the rest of Leiden, Frise & I can gett no other answear, then that which is in writing. As yet I can not lett your H. understand, howe well this people shalbe able to continew their meanes of contribu- tion. What assistance they will yeld, for the protecting of any place, that shall be offered in the united /revolted/ Provinces. Who they are among the Principals, that stand best affected to her Majestie Nether can I satisfie those other demandes. Which I receaved of your H. in a privat memoriall. It will require some longer continuance and triall among them, if I shall deliver my censure, not uppon the con- ceat of other men, but judicially of my self. I have moved Master Gilpin, about the meanes to take up mony for her Majestie uppon the Marchants adventurers bandes, which he thinkes may be done, in sundrie places of Germany.
The last that I receaved from your H. was of the 27 of December With a letter from her Majestie to Scheincke, which I sent away pre- sently, by a very convenient messenger, who is not yet re- turned. I doe not certifie your H of the particular proceedinges of divers Provinces, because I knowe Master Gilpin fol.33r
doth it, and can doe it more effectually. For their con- sultacions, for the most, are in Flemmishe, and likewise their recordes, whiche are alwaies in his handling. Likewise concerning the horsbandes and footbandes, that should be sent for Portugall, because I have nothing therein in particular charge, I am the bolder to referre your H. to my L. Generalls letters, and Sir Edward Norris relation, betaking your H. to Gods preservation. From the Hage. January 30. 88. Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: It may please your H because I finde every day that the States General, and the states of Holland and Zeland proceede in writing and proposing of most maters, aswell heere, as to her Majestie without the privitie of the Councell of state, I am to beseche your H. that whatsoever lettres, articles or proposals shalbe made by ortell, or any other their Minister, if they shall concerne any mater fitte to be imparted unto me, it may please your H. to acquaint me with them, for my better correspondence with her Majesties resolucions.