Reference: Longleat, MS Portland 1 f.139r-140v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0786/008
Date: 10 October 1589
Addressed: To the right honorable Sit Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 10 October 1589 From Master Bodligh
Later Addition: 10 October 1589 To Sir Francis Walsingham October 10 1589
It may please your H. The messenger whiche I sent to Embden, about the motion of Groeninghen is newly returned, and hath brought me that answear wherof I send your H the Copie: as likewise of mine owne unto him, and of the other which I writte at large, and without superscription, to be indorsed to any suche of the towne or otherwise, as the Burg- master should judge most expedient: wherof I writte to your H. the 15 of Sept. The messenger taking Frise in his way hath had some confe- rence with the President Aisma, who signifed unto him, that he had written long since of that mater to your H. and to Monsieur Sonoye: from whome I doe not dout, but yow have had as ample informa- cion as is requisit. The Minister of Embden a man well knowen to Master Gilpin, and com- monly reputed a man of good experience and judgement, hath also written very effectually to the same effect, as the Burgmaster, and affirmeth that the enterprise for certaine is both easie and assured, requiring nothing so muche as secrecie and speed. I doe commonly see them in these contreis, to build great assurance uppon slender likelihoods. Howbeit in this cause I finde a gene- rall concurrence of all their opinions with whom I have conferred: albeit I have not hitherto impar- ted any part of my dealing heerein, with any of the Councell, or of the states: attending still, if it be a mater that her Majestie will imbrace, suche further direction, as your H. shall send. After the departure of those Deputies that are sent for France, the Generall states sent their Secretary to commu- nicat privatly their Instructions with me. Wherein fol.139vthey have acquainted me further, then they have bin accustomed in their other actions: which I doe inter- pret as done, for that they would seeme, at lest in shewe, to affect a good correspondence. Because I see but litle mater of principal consideracion, I would not be so curious, as to crave a copie. Never- theles being mindfull of the principal pointes I thought to impart them to your H. In their first Accesse to the King they are willed after cer- tain complements of thankes for his infinit travailes in defense of the Common cause, with continuall daun- ger of his owne person, to congratulat in e behalf of the contrey, his fortunat conjunction with the late King, and his lawfull succession since to the crowne, and in that respect to wishe him all continuance of prospe- ritie &c. They are also to relate the present state of these contrey affaires, and to recommend them unto him: to request a good acceptation of that which they lately accorded, uppon the Proposition of Monssieur de la Thuillerie: and to offer what fur- ther assistance their feeble state will affourde, acknowledging the weale and good of those contreis, to depend after God uppon the happy event of the kinges affaires.
They shall also make report of that which they nego- tiated in Germany with the Princes of the Empire, to induce them to a strict] alliance and association againstthe Holy league.
In their second Audience, for which they are to make petition, in regard of their particular causes, thei shall become sutors, that the Contractes made heretofore between the Inhabitants of France and these Provinces touching the entercourse of traffique, be held still for good and confirmed: namely the privileges graunted by Lewis the XI to the Inhabitants of Brabant, Flan- fol.140r
ders, Holland and Zeland, and all Arestes and Edictes published to the contrary to be repealed. They are further to deliver a note unto the King of certain unjust Reprisalles, that have bin graunted fourth against these Contreis. Are also to solicit that the shippes of Brabant, Flanders, and the Malcontents els where, may not be suffered to har- bour within any portes or havens of the townes in the K. obeisance. They shall declare with as great efficiacie, as they can, both to the King, and to his Nobilitie, howe impossible it is for France, if the Spaniard should gett the upper hand in these contreis, to continewe quiet. These Articles were more amply sett downe, and were /in/ nomber more, but the rest did rather impart mater of course, then of moment.
We are certified at this present of the Count Neuwenars decease, uppon that accident, wherof I writte in my last to your H. and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. October 10. 89 Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
Postscript: The souldiers in Sckinckes sconce waxe every day more discontented, and the sequel of it is douted very muche.
I have advertised my L. Treasuror of the fortunat exploit of Sir Francis Vere and the English companies under his conduct, which he will impart with your H.