Letter ID: 0561
Reference: TNA, PC 2/15/461
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0561/008
Date: 13 May 1589
Note: There is no address leaf.



Endorsed: 13 May 1589. At White Hall in the afternone.

A lettre unto Master Bodley as followeth. After our harty comendacions, whereas the L Willoughbie leiutenaunte generall of her Majesties forces in those partes dothe find him selfe greatlie touched in honor and reputacion with the charge and accusation published by the stattes generall against him of late theire in printed placardes wherin allso her Majestie receaveth no small prejudice that they doe thereby tal taxe openlie and defame her lieutenant generall with crymes & imputacions whereby they neither made her majestie heretofore acquainted nor yet particularlie laide the same to his Charge, wherefore for his better justification against those slaunders and defence of his honor he hath besought her Majestie that the states might in her name be pressed to sett downe their particuler proofes whereuppon they ground theise particuler profees theese their generall accusacions. her Majesties pleasure ys therefore you shall uppon the receipt of these our lettres in her name deale with the States generall and requier them to sett down in wrightinge and deliver unto you soche proofes and testamonies, as they shalb able to produce for the maintaininge and verefyinge of their foresaid accusacions, Charge and imputacions which they have sett forthe to the viwe of the world and the printed placcardes againste her saide leiuetenant. And /if/ their Comissioners appointed to com hether be not aleready in the waie, you shall requier them likewise to instruct their said Comyssioneres with the said profes and matter to verifie their publique accusacions and yett you shall requier to have the same allso delivered to your selfe. wherin yf they shall goe aboute to delaye you or refuse to deliver unto you those their proofes and groundes of their accusations, then her Majesties pleasure is you shall requier in publique manner, by waie of wrighting an Acte to be made thereof that thereby it may appere to the worlde how they refuse to verife particularlie, their said imputacions which they have published in generall termes to the dishonor of the said L. Willoughbye And so praying you to take that order as appartaineth and to certyfie us accordinglie we byd you hartely farewell. &c.
