Letter ID: 0224
Reference: TNA, SP 84/35/181 f.181r-182v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0224/008
Date: 17 November 1589
Note: Fol.182v is also the address leaf.


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie.

Endorsed: 12 November 1589 From Master Bodley the recompense of the Dutch Captains recommended in his former, to be furthered. Barnevelts opinion thereof, and the Captaines nature to be considered. the fort by Rees taken. the Mutinie in Sgraveswert continueth. their demand is now 10000. forces readie to marche into France to the K. the Spaniards mutined in Dermount. Present consultations in state

Later Addition: 12 November 89


It may please your H. at the earnest sute of some speciall persons heere, I writte unto yow 8 three daies past, in the favor of a Dutche Captain, who was also the bearer of my letter, requesting your H. that if for suche services, as he pretended to have done to her Majestie any order hath bin given for his recompence, he may by your favorable meanes be assisted to receave it. The same party hath also solicited Barnevelt, the Admi- rall of Holland, and others, to recommend his request to Ortells furtherance: whiche they have done very earnestly. Withall they have signified in secret to the Captain, both by worde and by writing, as he himself hath promised me to declare unto yow, and I have adverti- sed in my former letter, That if her Majestie hath passed any graunt of recompence unto him, it is detened from him, and receaved by some other, and that his request will be rejected, and turned over to the states of [Ho]llande, with- out the privitie of her Majestie. This is the mali- cious conceat of that man and those of his faction, whiche I have alwaies bene persuaded, not with- standing all the good meanes, that can be used, will never alter, untill her Majestie shall ether yelde to folowe his humor in all thinges, or seeke some meanes to cutte him of from the govern- ment. It may please your H. to observe withall the disposition of that Captaine, who is contended to betray his frindes, at the very same instant fol.181v
as they doe their uttermost endevor to stand him in steed. For mine owne part, but that in generall termes his service hath bin commen- ded unto me, I have no other notice of his qualities, but I see by this dealing, he may be made to serve to as many good purposes, as any other badde instrument. The sconce by Rees, which I signified in my last was besieged by the Enemie, is sithens taken, with all the Artillerie, and other provision that was in it: but the souldiers permitted to depart: who nether fought, nor at- tended any shotte. The mutinie in Sgravesweert will not be appeaced with 2500 li sterling, whiche hath bin offered unto them. Their demaund doth increase every day, and doth not amount to so litle as 10000 li which is not heere to be had. These five daies, the Deputies that came last out of England, have continued the report to the Generall states, of their negotiation there: whiche when they have finished, I will calle earnestly uppon them, to perfourme their promise to your H. in the cause of Vasseur: wherof I have putt them already in remembraunce, and they have promised to doe their best. Letters written hither from Collen advertise, that there are in a readines to marche towardes the aide of the Frenche king 7000 horse, and 50 Ensiegnes of footmen, whose Rendevous is assigned the 21 of this moneth at Oppenhem by Ments. It is held for certaine that the Spaniardes, to the nomber of 1500 ar mutined in Dermount, and fol.182r
committ many outrages over all those quarters.

It is in deliberation among us at this present, whether considering the daunger of Gelderland, by the meanes of the Enemies returne, it be expedient that all the forces of these contreis both Inglishe and others be sent thither. Wheruppon there is nothing yet resolved. There is also a pre- sent consultation about the surprising of the Ene- mies fort before Zutphen, whiche is thought will prove an easie enterprise, and very profitable to the contrey. The state heere is very muche troubled by meanes of a newe mutinie raised in their garrison of Wijke, a place of strength and of great importance, about 2 leagues from Utrecht, where the souldiers require to be discharged of their obedience, and demaunde their full count and reckning. In effect all their goverment heere is so voide of that apperteneth to good government, so confuse, so partiall, so full of injustice, as almost all men waxe weery of doing service to the contrey. For there is no governour to take notice of any mans vertue or vices, wher[[.]] the good may stand inhope of reward, or e b[ad]de putte in feare of pu- nishment. In which respect, and for the harde measure which they daily offer to their martiall men, it is greatly feared, that as the have lately begonne in Sgraveswert Liefkens Hoecke, Lillo, and Wijke, so there wilbe, er be long, a generall revolt in most of their gar- risons.

This gentleman Master Heidon hath had occasions to spend aswell as others in her Majesties service, and if the cariage of this letter may be worthe fol.182v
any thing unto him of her Majesties mony, your hono- rable favor wilbe very dutifully acknowledged. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. November 12. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
