Reference: TNA, SP 84/35/123 f.124r-125v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0222/008
Date: 31 October 1589
Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: ultimo Octobris 1589 From Master Bodley: an appendix to that of the 30 of the same. Count Mansfeld besegeth the sconces about Rees. Your letter said to be with out her Majesties privitie the said cavil answered. Count Hollocks thankfull acceptance of comendations.
31 Oct 89lettertext
It may please your H. after deliverie of my former to this bearer, we were advertised that the Count Charles Maunsfelt with 2000 footmen, and 7 cornet of horse, besiegeth the sconce about Rees, whiche is but weake, and ill provided of necessaries to make resistance. The Deputies are newly returned out of En-gland, but have made no report as yet to the state of their negotiation: untill when, I shall have no opportunitie to solicit for Vasseur. If it came not hither by their informacion, that her Majestie was not acquainted with that letter whiche your H. sent me last in his behalf, it proceeded from some other of their Agents. Forone of their owne assemblie, and of the chiefest told me flatly, that they knowe of your H. letter before it came, and they were advertised that it was without her Majesties privitie. Wherto I made suche answear, as I thought their childish proceeding required. For mine owne part I did never thinke it possible to have so many and so grosse imperfections in men so continually practised in affaires of importance, as I see both daily and hourely in all their courses with her Majestie. Count Hollocke doth take your H. commendacions and message in very kinde part, which I delivered to that purpose as Master Tomson signified in a Postscript. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. October 31. 89. Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.