Letter ID: 0214
Reference: TNA, SP 84/34/142 f.137r-138v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0214/008
Date: 10 September 1589
Note: At the words 'the reparing', 'to solicite' and 'into her Majesties handes' on fol.142r, there are three tightly drawn lines written in the margin.
Copies: 0864 


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.

Endorsed: 20 September 1589 From Master Bodleigh.

Later Addition: 10 September 89


It may please your H. to advertise my LL. of the Councell, that this day I receaved their letter of the 30 of Aug. Wherein thei require me, to move the Generall states, to take some speedy order for the reparing of the fortifications of Ostend. How- beit for that the Deputies of Holland are gone from hens to Count Maurice, there wilbe no meeting of the rest, till they shall returne: for whome we looke every houre: and at their next assemblie I will signifie that unto them, whiche I have recea- ved in charge, and certifie their answear.

This bearer hath made me acquainted with the effect of suche letters and requests, as he hath bin moved to solicite for those of Frise. But for mine owne part I see no likelyhood of any good that will be done, ether for them, or for any of those els where that stand in like termes with these Contreis, unles a finall resolucion be taken between her Majestie and them, for the according of all thinges in question, or els that it will please her Highnes to disavowe by pub- like Acte these two last yeres Mutinies in sundrie places, which they say have all bin raised uppon pre- tence of doing service to her Majestie. As touching those offers that have bin made by some of Harlingen, as likewise by some others els where of the Province of Frise, who, as he doth signifie unto me, desire nothing more, then to surrender up all into her Majesties handes, I can not say any thing, because I nether knowe the parties, nor their strength: but there are many suche courtesies, which are often pro- posed in communication unto me, and I have found, by all probabilitie, to be but motions of discontented persons, who see not perfitly into the state of their affaires, and can not any way perfourme, as they will seeme to promise. Concerning the practise with those of Groeningen, which wilbe also fol.137v
imparted by this bearer to your H. I can say but litle, not knowing thorowly the state of the towne, their affections to her Majestie or dislike of the spaniard. Nevertheles, uppon this occasion, I have had some conference heere, with a speciall frinde, and one well acquainted with the affaires of those quarters, who doth hold it very likely to take good effect, and will give me further informacion, if her Majestie wilbe pleased, to hear- ken to the motion. Count William of Frise hath bin heere of late, and conferred with the state about the stopping of the traffique and cariage of victuals to the towne of Groenin- gen: which he hath proposed as a thing that may be easely effected, unles the Enemie oppose against it, with very great forces. Wheruppon with some others that are deputed from the Generall states, and the Councell of state, he is gone to Count Maurice, to conferre and conclude howe to execute his purpose. Above all mens expectation, by Gods miraculous woorking, the Enemie, having all thinges ready to passe the Wael in Bommel, mutined on the soddaine, as I signified in my last to your H. and immediatly after at Middelier, not farre from Nieumeghen, 20 Enseignes of Italians were passed the Maese, but the Spaniardes would not folowe: and nowe againe very lately at Huesden, there hath gro- wen some further alteration among the souldiers, as theruppon there are so many departed, and in suche sort, as the Garrison of the towne, hath found the meanes to receave in Victuals, and to send into the campe. What course wilbe taken by the Enemie uppon it, we doe not yet under- tand, but it is thought, they shalbe satisfied, and then imploied towardes Bercke, there being fol.138r
already departed towardes those quarters, 800 footmen. Nevertheles we are in good hope, that they will be prevented by 600 horse, which the Count Neu- wenar hath sent from Rees, to revictuall the towne. wherof we attend every houre to knowe the successe.

Of the brutes that are heere of the Governor of Cambray, I have signified nothing to your H. because thei are wholy uncertaine. Notwithstanding it is generally thought, that he hath nether as yet declared himself for the French king, nor yet for the spaniard. And it is advertised hither at this present, that Parma hath sent certaine forces through Cambresy towardes Fraunce, which for that in their passage they wasted the contrey, were fought withall, and putt to the woorse, by certaine troupes which Monssieur Baligni sent out of Cambray.

Monssieur de la Thuillerie the Frenche Embassador, is gone from Amsterdame for Hambourgh having receaved suche answear, as I writte in my former, the loane of 30000 crownes, to be delivered within 6 weekes, or 2 moneths at the uttermost, after the receat of the Frenche Kingesobligacion: to be re- paied within twelve moneth after he shalbe esta- blished in his kingdome. There are appointed from hens, to goe in Embassade Monsieur de Brederode, the second brother, Monsieur Sylla /Pensioner of Amsterdame/ and Monsieur de la Pree, their last Agent in France, whome they purpose to leave resient behinde. These three are all of Holland, whiche is not greatly liked by the other Provinces, who seeme desirous to send also some of their owne. It is also said that Count Mau- rice will send as from himself Justinus his brother, whereto the states are as yet unwilling, alleaging sundrie reasons, but misdouting in deede, as it is se- cretly spoken, lest there should some practises be sett a foote between the King and the Count, to the preju- dice of these Provinces. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. September 10. 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
