Reference: TNA, SP 84/33/179 f.191r-192v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0199/008
Date: 16 July 1589
Note: At 'Sir, I knowe', the script continues perpendicular to the main body of the letter.
Addressed: To the right woorshipfull Sir John Conway knight Governor of the towne of Ostend
Endorsed: Mr Bodley
Endorsed: Angels - 76
Endorsed: 16 July 1589
Later Addition: 16 July 1589
Sir, the Ennemie hath bin about Bommel, and hath taken Brakell and Poieroyen, and endevoured to force a passage over the Wael by Herwijren, but hath bin valiantly repulsed by Captaine Edmond. Howbeit his forces increase every houre, and heere is advertisment come, that the Duke himself doth purpose to be there in person. So that nowe he will invade Umbilicum Reip. For if the passage be wonne, we may bidde farewell to Leerdam, Asperen, Cullenborch and Vianen, and to Utrecht shortly after: wherof yow knowe the consequence. The consideration heerof doth so troble the counsell, and the Governors heere, as nothing more. For the greatest part of all their forces are with Schincke, whome the Ennemie doth so busie, as without the apparant losse of the Province of Guelders he can hardly spare us any companies. And it fareth a like with Count William in Friseland, to whome Verdugo doth give his handes full: so as heere in these quarters, where the Ennemie doth assault us so mightily, we nether have men, nor meanes to raise any. In which respect I doe finde the whole contrey in a mervelous perplexitie: and theruppon they have writ- ten to yow, to the Brill, and to Flushing for some pre- sent assistance. And though I am moved by them to solicite the request, yet I am a great deale more moved, in regard of my duty to her Majestie and the imminent daunger which is like to ensewe. Whereuppon considering what companies have bin lately sent out of England unto yow, and also considering that the Ennemie doth not presse yow so hardly, as he hath done heeretofore, if yow could send them two companies to serve their turne for the time, there is no dout but your service therein will be well accepted of her Majestie. As on the other side if any notable losse should come to these Contreis, and it shall appeere by good evidence that they might have had some succor from the Garrison townes, I leave to your wisdome to consider uppon whome the reproche will redound, and the outcries of this people. I doe not dout but fewer wordes might have served in this mater, but yet the instance which is used heere, and their necessitie is so great, as I can not but recommend it most effectually unto yow, whiche I doe assure my self that yow will not otherwise construe, them very frindly, and to the better part. [In margin: Hage. 16 Julij 89 Your most assured in any thing Tho. Bodley.
Postscript: Sir, I knowe it is needeles to intreat yow to make muche of this bearer Master Matrut. For in truth he doth deserve it for his good affection towardes all our nation, and particularly to yow, of whome his report to the Councell hath bin honorable and very respective.