Letter ID: 0198
Reference: TNA, SP 84/33/169 f.181r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0198/008
Date: 15 July 1589


It may please your H. in my last of the 9 of this moneth, whiche I sent by Master Charles, I signified aswell to the Lordes of the Coun- cell, as to your H. what answear I receaved from the Generall states, as touching those Ar- ticles whiche were sent unto me: and like- wise in the cause of Vasseur to what effect I had dealt with the Councell of state. Who have since resolved to write unto her Majestie and to answear those reasons, whiche I proposed unto them: whiche I thinke wilbe done within three or fouer daies. In the meane season I will seeke by all delaies, to differ their proceeding till I heare from your H. Master Gilpin and I have jointly perused those particular notes whiche were sent unto me by my Lordes: and because there are in our opinions, by that whiche we finde by continuall experience in conversation among them, divers pointes of which some are sufficiently provided for already, some not practicable among them, and some others that will but minister occasion of gelousie and suspi- tion, and yet make very litle for the weale and good of the contrey, I thought, under humble correcti- on, to recommend that whiche we had observed to your H. consideration: as also because there are sundrie other very requisit pointes to be ad- ded besides, Master Gilpin and I will collect them together, as they come to our mindes, and send them unto yow. I have sent your H. heerewith a copie of the sentence given at Utrecht against Deventer: whiche is as muche favor as I ever did looke for at their handes. He is out of prison and gone to Cullenborche to Co- ronell Baxe his cousin germane: wherof Barne- velt having notice signified this day to a servant of the Coronel, that he thought the Count of Cullen- borche would not suffer suche a man as Deventer fol.181v
to sojourne in his towne: and that it were farre better for him, to receave a garrison of Englishe men: whiche he uttered very scoffingly against the nation, and with many malitious speeches a- gainst the poore man, whome it seemeth he will persecut further if he can come by any meanes to lay handes uppon him. Howe the state of all thinges stande with Sir Martin Schincke this bearer Master Underwood, who is newly come from him, can certifie your H. He hath lately de- feated 2 cornets of the Ennemie, and taken pri- soners a 100 men, with 60 horse. The Ennemie doth increase his forces about Hoesden, and hath lately taken, in the Ile of Bommel, the houses of Brakell and Poieroyen, and at- tempted with flatte bottome boates to passe the Wael about Herwijnen, but was repulsed. Since it is thought that he is marched towardes the house of Heel. In the meane season there are letters gone from hens to Sir Martin Schincke to lett him understand the daunger wherein we stand in these quarters, and to require him to send hither some part of his forces. For if the Ennemie shall have passed the river, it is feared that Hoekelum, Asperen, Leerdam, Vianen and Cullenborche will be lost, and then afterwardes places of greater importance. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage 15 July 89. Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley