Letter ID: 0190
Reference: TNA, SP 84/32/264 f.269r-270v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0190/008
Date: 31 May 1589


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall secretary to her Majestie.

Endorsed: 31 May 1589 From Master Bodley.

Later Addition: 21 May 89


It may please your H of my being in Berghen, and what course I have taken with the Governor and Garrison, I have written at large unto my L. Trea- suror. The complaintes that the states have made unto her Majestie against them, are a right patterne of their imperfect and passionat proceeding, in almost all other causes. For though there were divi- sion in the Garrison, and divers other disorders, that required reformacion: yet they had no reason to imagine, that the towne was in daunger. No dout it was written uppon the splene, in regard of Capten hun- ninges and others, that came from Gertrudenbergh hither. I have travailed what I could, bothe sins, and before the receat of her Majesties letters, to com- pound and redresse what maters were amisse: whiche I have done, as I persuade my self, to the good liking of all parties: so as if it will hold, I can assure your H. there is not any Garrison in the Lowe Contreis, where the Captaines and compa- nies are more obedient to their Governor, at better agreement among themselves, and more at quiet with the Burghers of the towne. In whiche respect I have found no man more tractable then Sir Thomas Morgan himself, nor otherwise more vigilant in the execution of his charge. His greatest want is an honest and discrete Secretary, that could serve his turne in Frenche and in Englishe. He hath requested me to move your H to recommend some one unto him, of whome yow have liking. He promiseth it shall be worthe him at the lest a 100 li by the yere, and if my L. Willughby come not a- gaine, your H. may further procure him the office of Muster master, whiche wilbe 6 sh 8 d more by the day. The Burghers of this towne are growen in fol.264v
short time to be very wealthy, and wheras within these three yeres, there were found heere by tale but a 1000 soules, there are nowe by common estimation 5000 at the lest. The bruite doth still conti- new of the D of Parmaes death, and though it hath bin a foote this moneth, we can not knowe any certaintie. I depart as this day towardes the Hage, from whens I shall be able to certifie both of that, and of other maters more assuredly. In the meane season I take my hum- ble leave. From Berghen. May ultimo 89 Your H. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
