Reference: TNA, SP 84/32/78 f.82r-83v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0172/008
Date: 15 April 1589
Note: At the word 'requested' there are two tightly drawn marks in the margin.
Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 15 Aprill 1589 From Master Thomas Bodleigh.
Later Addition: 15 April 89
It may please your H. since the sealing of the inclosed, comming in place, where Barnevelt was, uppon occasion of speeche between us for the losse of Gertrudenbergh, of himself he requested me to enter into communication with him about the redresse of all maters to the sa- tisfaction of her Majestie and the contrey: whiche I told him I had long desired, and would appoint any time, that he should best like. What further talke passed between us, the soddaine departure of this bearer, can not affourd me the leasure to signifie at this present. But I finde him very weary, of that course that he hath taken, and I stand in hope to do a great deale of good. 15 April Your H. most humbly bound, Tho. Bodley