Letter ID: 0171
Reference: TNA, SP 84/32/72 f.76r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0171/008
Date: 13 April 1589
Note: There is no address leaf. After the endorsement on the verso, there is a small florilegium.


Endorsed: 13 Aprill 1589 M. from his honor to Master Bodley to further Monsieur de Sonoy his suite, commended to States by her Majesties lettres./


Sir, Her Majestie consideringe the hard course holden by the states of Holand aganst Monsieur de Sonoy in not per- fourminge the promise they made him in their treatie with him, in the presence and witnes of her H. deputies then present, for payinge the Burgesses of Medenblirg for certaine provisions which they furnished the Soldiers of the towne with at the time of the siege of the said towne, and further tendringe the case of the gentleman, who by that meanes of breache of their promise, is like to be utterly spoyled and overthrowen, unlesse the said states doe spedely take order for [dew] perfourmance as in reason, equitie, and right therof are [bounde], especially the qualitie of the gentlema and his former good desertes towardes them considered, hath thoght meete /good/ to wright expressely unto them in his behalf, effectuallie [.] recommendinge unto them the state of the cause, and the consideration that in all respectes of honor & creditt, she taketh to be dew to the gentle- man: and to the end her said special recommendation, shold take better effect, hath referred the solicitation of the cause, and the folowinge of her recommendation, to yow and Master Caron, which she her pleasure is, yow shold for that part very effectually perfourme and so in like special sort requireth Master Caron to doe, by the Copie of her Letter which goeth herewith yow may percieve how to direct your selves, and so forbearing to in large further doe commend yow to the grace of God. from the Court at Whytehall the of April 1589.

Monsieur de Caron, with whome I very hartely pray yow to be instant to deale effectually with the said states in the gentlemans behalf, the Copie of her Majesties Letter, I send yow herewith to be delivered to Master Caron, that uppon vieu thereof he may take such course as by the same he may seme to be directed. Her Majestie hath a very speciall care of the gentleman, and therefore yow shal doe wel, to further the cause with the best of your endevor. And so with very heartie commendations doe leave yow to God from the Court at Whyte hall the 13 of April 1589 your lovinge frend
