Reference: TNA, SP 84/31/227 f.227r-228v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0157/008
Date: March 1589
fol.228vLater Addition: lettres touching the Low Countries./
Later Addition: [1589, early in - probably March]
Later Addition: After 1587
Memorial from the L. Willough for a lettre from her Majestie to Master Bodley to deale with the States generall for contentement to those of Gertrudenberg/lettertext
Notes for a lettre from her Maajesty to master Bodley
That her Majestie is not a litle discontented with the disorderly proceedings of the States against the Towne of Gertrudenbergh For albeyt they have made many Complaintes against the Souldiours (Yet never proved or Justified any though they have therunto bene required both by her Majesties Lieutenant and himselff her Councellor) and the Souldiours on thother side excusing themselves as Conformable to their treatie allowed and Confirmed by the States, her Majestie findeth yt very straunge that without any tryall before hand made, they would without privitie of her Majestie or her Ministers enterinto these violent and extreme Courses, the end and successewhereof showeth upon what groundes they were begonnewherby they have not onely geven her highnes Just Cawseto be displeased but also opened such a way and entraunceto th'enemy as they could not have devised how to have given served their turne better, or to /thennemy greater advantage nor to/ have done more prejudice to the Countrey & the furderance of the common cause.
And therefore (the Cawse being so well knowen unto him) to require that he deale with the Councell of Estate States generall and with the particuler Townes there adjoyning laying before them such reasons as he shall Conceyve may be most Forcible to Induce them to use their best meanes for the preservacion of the place, Wherunto her Majesty tendering their estate, and desirous to prevent those great Inconveniences that may ensue with the same princely Care and regard which made her first enter into the Cawse for the good of the Countrey can doe no lesse then admonish them and yt shalbe very Convenient for him (upon this so good occasion) to make knowen her Majestyes royal Disposition for ther good.