Letter ID: 0155
Reference: TNA, SP 84/31/206 f.207r-208v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0155/008
Date: 30 March 1589


Addressed: To the right honorable, my very good Lorde, the L Burghley, Lorde high Treasuror of England.

Endorsed: 30 Martij 1589 Mr Bodeley from the Haghe. Gertrudenbergh./

Later Addition: 30 March 89 [q] 89


It may please your L .uppon the opportunitie offered of this messenger, I thought to adde this advertisment, to that whiche I signified yesterday, That we are certified from sundrie quarters, howe the ennemie from Malines and other places, marcheth towardes Gertrudenbergh: because, as they give it out heere, there hath bin secret intelligence between them and the ennemie. Howbeit for mine owne part, I hold it to be but a brute devised by the states, to give their pro- ceeding a more plausible course. For otherwise howe disorderly soever those of the towne have ca- ried themselves, I could never heare it suspected, that they were come to that degree of disloialtie. It is rather thought, that the ennemie will make his approche to the towne, with intent to take his ad- vantage, as the one side or other shall minister occasion. As yet there is no speeche of any com- position, betweene the states and the towne, nether is there any likelyhood that the States will harcken to any suche motion, from whomsoever it proceede, unles happely in time they finde that their enter- prise will prove to be frustrat. Whiche will falle out no better, as there are many heere that thinke. In Brida the gates have bin kept shutte these fouer or five daies, whiche is construed as done uppon an intention of some exploit towardes. And so ceasing to troble your L. further, I humbly take my leave. From the Hage. 30 March 88 Your L. most humble to commaund Tho. Bodley.
