Letter ID: 0136
Reference: TNA, SP 84/30/135 f.135r-136v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0136/008
Date: 20 January 1589


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie.

Endorsed: 20 [Janu]ary 1588 From Master Bodeley P Answers to Instructions not liked. all points denied. States stand affected to breake of.

Later Addition: 20 January 88/9


It may please your H. I have newly receaved the states answear to all mine Instructions, which I have not the leasure to gett copied out, to send with this dispatche: but I shall by the next, and withall some replie, suche as I shall finde behoofull to be made againe from me. I did not thinke that they would have passed their boundes so farre, as to answear her Majestie with undecent and malepert termes: wherein they offend in sundrie places, besides that they yeld to nothing requested. In effect I am fully persuaded, that ether they determine to breake of with her Majestie Uppon some newe deseigne, that the chiefest of them have made to them selves, or they thinke her Highnes so muche interested in the cause, as nothing will persuade her to leave them un- assisted. Of Barnevelt, by whome they are strangely ruled and overruled, I will shewe your H. my opinion, Uppon further triall, lest I should seeme by reason of my smalle aboade and experience in this place, to come on too fast with my verdict. From the Hage. 20 January 88. Your H. most humbly bound Tho. Bodley.
