Reference: TNA, SP 84/30/98 f.98r-99v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0132/008
Date: 13 January 1589
Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.
Endorsed: 13 Januarie 1588 From Master Bodley. Skenk accordeth to serve the states 3 moneths. Saravias cause shalbe dealt in. A new forme of othes presented.
Later Addition: 13 January 88/9
It may please your H. this morning I receaved your letters of the 6 and of the 27 of December with her Majesties and yours to Scheinck, for the delivery of whiche, I will take suche order, as your H. shall like. He hath lately accorded with the states, to serve them 3 moneths longer, so as in the end it is thought, he shalbe satisfied by them: albeit it is to be feared, lest her Majesties letter will make him more untractable, when they come to reckon. The sute of Saravia, whose letter to Count Maurice, was sent to Master Gilpin, after I have dealt with the states about my Instructions, shalbe presently solicited, and urged as instantly as I may. Since the assembly began, there hath nothing bin concluded worthy the rehersall. They have considered uppon the exceptions I made to their othe, and have sett me downe an other forme, in termes to my liking: wheruppon I was admitted this day into Councell, and to morowe I purpose to deliver my Instructions, whiche I found very requisite uppon conference heere, to alter in divers pointes, and to make sundrie additions. And thus at this present, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. January13. 88 Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.