Letter ID: 0130
Reference: TNA, SP 84/30/92 f.92r-93v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0130/008
Date: 12 January 1589
Note: The words 'Uppon' (line 10) and 'Councell' (line 27) are marked by a three-sided box, framing the information within. At the point where Bodley discusses the 'debate', someone has marked the margin with six tight lines.


Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretary to her Majestie.

Endorsed: 12 Jnuary 1588

From Master Bodley.He is admitted a Counseler January 12, 1588

Later Addition: 12 Mar /12 January/ 88/9


It may please your H. in my last I signified what course I had taken for Deventer and the rest, and howe I had sent her Majesties letter, and also written my self to the Count de Meurs, to the Countesse, and Burgmasters of Utrecht: whiche letters I sent thither by a speciall gentleman, because Master Gilpin could hardly be spared. The Count is not yet returned from Arnham. I will prove to intreat my L. Willughby to make a steppe to Utrecht in person, to the end her Majestie may be better satisfied, if it be possible. Uppon her Majesties letters, I am admitted a Counsaillor by the Councell of state, but not by the states generall, who require me first to take that othe, whiche is contened in [t]heir last Instruction to the Councell of state, very prejudiciall to the Treaty, and to her Majesties service. About the debate of this mater, there hath bin often sending too and fro: but yesterday I had suche conference with Barnevelt and others, whome they sent unto me about it, as they seeme to alter their mindes, and will present me suche an othe, as shalbe to my liking. The greater par[t] of the states generall, and the whole councell of state refuse the Instructions as well as my self, disliking very muche their proceeding in the othe. Withall the Councell hath sent certaine committies to the states generall to lett them understand, that unles their autoritie be preserved, and the Instructions reformed, they will no longer sitte in Councell. If I have touched any thing in my letter to my L. Treasorer, wor- thy the speaking of againe, I thinke his L will impart it with your H and so I take my humble Leave. From the Hage. January 12. 88 Your H most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.

Postscript: The answear of the Burgmasters of Utrecht, and of the Countesse, to whome I directed her Majesties letter, to be conveied to the Count, I have sent heer inclosed./ Master Killigrew is determined to goe towardes England to morowe
