Letter ID: 1340
Reference: TNA, SP 84/28/96 f.94r-95v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1340/008
Date: 15th November 1588
Note: A partial copy of the first four paragraphs of Bodley's instructions.
Copy of: 0897



Later Addition: 15 November 88

Endorsed: 15 November 1588 Remembrances for the present Assistant in Councell to deale with the States in matters of musters. Copie.


Remembrances for the present Assistant in Councell to deale with the States in matters of Musters.

First that the States according to their owne agreement with the Mus- termaster generall in the Erle of Leycesters government doe establish Commissaries resident in all garrisons to joyne with her Majesties Com- missaries to passe monethly musters, the which by their default only hath not been hetherto duly observed.

Also for the time past that they authorise some officer on their part to joyne with the present overseer of Mustersfor her Majestie to examine and comptroll the Musterroules and to make up the accompts and to determine the Checques: And that parfect Abbreviats Indented may bee kept mutually under these officers hands for a certeine Record of her Majesties Charges, and their debt upon Remburcement to bee aunsweared without cavelling.

That an Act in Councell may also bee made and some day as- signed for the States to bring in all such debts as they can require, to be defalked upon the pay of anie her Majesties bandes or officers, with expresse condition that they shall never chalenge hereafter from her Majestie anie other debts then such as shall by such a day bee presented.

That the overseer of Musters may have accesse unto the Coun- cell to present such matters as he shall have for the advauncement of the service of hir Majestie and the Contrie. And that he may receave eyther Apostiles to his demaunds, or at the least testimoniall of such requests as he shall so present for dischardge of his duty. 15 November 1588. Yt is thought meet both by her Majestie and my LLs that Master Bodley should propound these matters to the States.

Francis Walsingham
