Letter ID: 1312
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D III f.275r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1312/008
Date: 28 November 1588
Note: Extension to Bodley's passport. There is no address leaf.



Later Addition: Belgia 1588 28 November

Whereas in her majesties passeport graunted unto Thomas Bodleigh esquior by oversight of the writer Certen thinges are omitted owt, her majesties plesuure is that notwithstanding the wante of those wordes yow suffer any his tronckes chestes bagges Cariages and other provisions what soever yow to passe by yow withowt any yowr impediment lett serch or other molestacion. and yow will aunswer the Contrarie at yowr uttmost perrell From the Court at Somerset Howse. this 28 of November 1588 Francis Walsyngham

To all Justices of peace maiors Sheriffes Bailiffes Constables Customers Comptrolers serchers and to all other her majesties officers and Loving subjectes to whom it may appartain & to everie of them to whom it may appar fol.275v
Passe upon this passeporte the xvijth daye of February 1588 in a shipp caled the Elnathen of London Master Nicolas Perkin bound far middelborowe These parcells following One barrell Candell Too firkins of Sope Two hoghedds Claret wyne one hogshedd Sacke one greate Chest and a pack with [hoccshole] one trunck with apparell one Jacke.