Letter ID: 1310
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D III f.272r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1310/008
Date: 20 November 1588
Note: Thomas Bodley's passport. The document bears the royal seal.



Later Addition: Belgia Master Bodley pasport 1588 November 20.


fol. 272r
By the Queene.

Sign Manual: Elizabeth R

Whereas we do presently send our trusty and welbeloved servaunt Thomas Bodley Esquier the bearer hereof into the Lowe Contreys with some expedition, to supply the place of our trusty and welbeloved Servaunnt Henry Killegrew Esquier one of our Cownsell of Estate there, whome yt hath pleased us to revoke both for our owen service, and his private busines here Our will and pleasure ys that ye shall see him furnished of able post horses from place to place for him self his servaunts and one guyde betwixt this and the Seaside at reasonable prices. And also to parmitte and suffer him with his sayed servaunts money bag and baggage, and all other their furniture and necessaries quietly to passe by yow without eny your serche staye or interruption, and to be aiding and assistinge to them in all things convenient for his spedy journey to the seaside and for his transportacion at the sayed prices. And hereof faile ye not as ye tender our pleasure & will aunswere to the contrary at your parilles. And these our lines shalbe your sufficient warraunt & discharge in this behaulf. Given under our Signet. At Somerset howse the xxth day of November in the xxxjth yere of our reigne.

To all Maiors Sheriefes bailiefes Comstables Comptrollers and serchers, and to all other our officers ministers and subjectes to whome yt maye apparteyne & to every of them. [...] J woods