Letter ID: 0113
Reference: TNA, SP 84/29/83 f.83r-84v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0113/008
Date: 16 December 1588


To the right honorable Sir Francis Walsingham knight Principall Secretary to her Majestie.


Endorsed: xvjth December. 1588. From master Thomas Bodley.

Endorsed: The Vlissingers [resistance] that they can not have 4 Companies of the Garrison to releave Wachtingdoncke./

Endorsed: 16 December 88

It may please your H. I have written a former by Sir John Norris, who departed for Flushing this morning: and sins his departure the states of Ze- land have bin with me, complaining that wheras the states Generall have assigned 4 companies to be taken out of Flushing, to be imploied towardes the succor of Wachtindoncke, Sir William Russell will suffer none to be drawen from him: wherat they seeme to grieve not a litle, thinking it straunge that they can not have use of their owne forces, in time of necessitie. I requested them to have patience, and uppon my knowledge there would be present order given, for the reducing of that garri[son] to their wonted nomber, and the rest should be, as before, at their disposition. Till this promise be perfourmed, I shall never finde them but complaining. And it seemeth very behoofull, that they be no longer delaied in that behalf: considering Sir John Norris was willed to signifie to the States Generall, that I should bring her Majesties order with me: which nevertheles I doe not, but only in promise. Sir William Russell is unwilling to harcken to the lesse- ning of his companies, and yet unles they be ether brought to the number of the Contract, or suffered as they are by consent of the states, I shall hardly be able to putt them of still with excuses. Thus muche I thought good to impart with your H. before my going here, being ready to depart for Dort, and therewith take my humble leave. From Middlebourg 16 December. 88. Your H. most humble at commaundment Tho. Bodley.
