Letter ID: 0103
Reference: TNA, SP 84/28/98 f.96r-96bv
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0103/008
Date: 20 November 1588
Note: A list of points included in Bodley's instructions. The address leaf is partly missing.



Later Addition: Master Bodlyes Instructions on his first journnye

Endorsed: Summe of Master Bodleys Instructions. Not perfected by Master Killegrew,to be solicited by him. Imperfections of Sir John Norrys service, to sollicit. Charge the states with ingratitude Require continuance of assemblie of states, or larger authoritie to their deputies. Urge reformation of Instruc-tions. Restraine Licences.


The sume of Master Bodleys Instructions He is apointed a Counsellour for her Majestie in the Counsell of State in Master Killegrewes place, with the assistance of Master George Gilpin who is to serve as an interpreter.

He is to enforme him self from Master Killegrewe what matters he hath had direction to deale in, and to receave the States & Coun- sell of States answeare to such points as Master Killegrewe hath not receaved the same.

He is also to sollicit them in such other matters as Sir John Norris had in chardge to deale with them in, and leaveth imperfect.

He is to to chardge the States with ingratitude towards her Majestie in that they have so unkindly intreated Coronell Shinck and others commended by her Highnes, and to be earnest with them to yeld her better contentment hereafter

To advise the States eyther to continue their owne assemblies or to give larger authoritie to the Counsell of State, for that otherwise great inconveniences are like to ensue for lack of spee- die dispatch in matters that will abide no stay.

To deale with the states for reformation of the Instructions last given to the Counsell of Estate, for that they conteyne sondrie points directly repugnant to the contract.

To deale with them to restraine licences for transportation of graine cordage, and sondrie other provisions to thenemie