Reference: TNA, SP 84/28/88 f.86r - 91v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0101/008
Date: 15 November 1588
Note: This letter is annotated by Burghley. There are two florilegia on the address leaf.
Copy of: 1309
fol.91vLater Addition: 15 November 88
Endorsed: November 1588 Memoriall for Master Tho: Bodley. at his goyng into Holland, whylest Sir John Norryce was ther
Later Addition: Bodley [January] (arrived at Flushing 5 December)
Memoriall for Master Bodley.Whereas there were presented unto her Majestie in Februarie Last, certeine requestes on the behalfe of the States generall of the united provinces, by Master Ortell their Agent, whereunto by her Majesties espetiall direction there was particular aunswere made by us unto their severall requests, wherewith the States do not rest satisfied: It is thought meete for that Sir John Norris was direc- ted by her Majesties instructions given unto him to let the States understand that they should receave further aunsweare touching the said requestes by you, that you should goe thoroughly In- structed howe to aunsweare the same, in such sort as they ought in reason to rest satisfied withall. First the matter of service money as /for/ turffe Candles and other allow- ances which hath by them been furnished unto the Extraordinarie bands garrisioned in the two Cautionarie townes, /for/ which they desyre may bee paid /that payement may be made/ unto them, and such order to be taken as they may bee eased fol.86v
eased hereafter of these charges, for that they fall out (by reason of these extraordinarie nombers) to be more chargeable unto them as they alleadge then the whole pay was wont to ryse unto when they kept the said Townes in their owne hands; with a further re- quest also that they may bee allowed such sommes of money as they have disbursed both to the said garrisons and other her Majesties subjects serving in those Countries: For the first touching the service money you shall lett them understand that for as much as those extraor- dinarie bands so placed in the Cautionarie Townes, being par- cell of the assistance which her Majestie by vertue of her contract hath been pleased to yeald them for their relief; yf they had not been placed in the said Cautionarie Townes, yet must they of necessitie have been placed in some other Townes, where they should have receaved like allowances in everie respect: And therfore as yt hath been heretofore aunsweared, it may by with reason mainteyned, that those other Townes which by this meane have fol.87r
have been freed, and where they should have otherwise been placed should be contributaries unto the Cautionarie Townes for the same. And yf they replye, as it is likely they will, that yf those bandes had been placed in other frontier Townes where the Contrie might have reaped benefitt by their service, they would have been contented to have borne their charges: Yt may be aunsweared that conside ring the Duke of Parma hath nowe welneer a yere and a half lyen continually in Flaunders with intent as yt was thought to have attempted somwhat upon the Islands, of Ostend or /uppon/ Ostend or Berghen as yt nowe falleth out /in part trew/, they could not have been more aptly placed in anie other Towne, where they might so readely be drawen out to serve upon anie occasion during his continuance there then in Flushing with which aunsweare yf they shall not rest satisfied, you may then lett them understand that another chief cause why those extraordinarie bands were first placed there, grewe upon fol.87v
upon the Count Hollocks drawing downe of certeine forces into the Isle of Walkeren with intent as our /Governor of Flushyng// was dewly informed/ to have surprised certeine Townes in the said Islande, and not without great and apparant sus- picion of somwhat to have been attempted upon the Towne of Flushing yf he had prevayled in the first plott: which her majestie had the rather cause to doubt in respect of the straunge cariage of him self towards the /Erle of Leceester/ L. Steward then Governor of those Contries at the time of his last being in the said Con- Countryes. But nowe these jealousies and doubtes being removed and taken away, and that her Majestie is sufficiently perswaded of their constancie good will & devotion towards her: ther shall shortly order be given that the garrisons of those Townes shalbe reduced to their former nombers agreed upon by the contract, so as they shall have no just cause to complaine further in that behalfe. And for such other money for imprests or victuals which they fol.88r
they have furnished or hath any way been yssued out of their Magazins to the said garrisons or other her Majesties subjects in her pay, the same /beyng first proved/ shalbe defalked out of their enterteinements and paies, to be aunsweared and repaid unto them after an accompt shalbe passed between her Majestie and them: but for such sommes of money and other charges as have been by them disbursed to certeine ex- traordinarie bands /which was/ in their owne pay, being no parcell of the nombers conteyned in the Contract, her Majestie seeth no reason considering the manifold charges she hath been otherwise at for their defence, that they should seeke to be rembursed thereof at her Highnes hands.
And for that they desyre that order may be taken that the bandes in her Majesties pay may bee kept full & complete, you shall lett them understand, that for the footebands (as her Majestie is enformed by her Comissaries of musters) they have no cause to complaine of their defectes; and for the fol.88v
the horsebands, for that her Highnes cannot conveniently spare such nombers of horse out of this Realme as are re- quisite to make up the full nomber agreed upon by the contracte, she caused an offer to be made unto them to supplie certeine bands of horse with double so manie footemen, which as her Majestie conceaveth cannot but be more beneficiall for their service considering they stand upon a defensive warre, but herein her Majestie hath not hetherto receaved anie direct aunsweare from them in this behalf, notwithstanding they have been sollicited therein both by the L. Willoughbie and Master Killigrewe, /and also Ortell made acqueynted therwith/ so as the lott thereof groweth by their default. And where they complaine that they are not made privie ney- ther to the Musters taken of the said bands, neyther yet to the payments made by the Threasuror as by the contract they ought to bee, so as they being ignorant of their owne estate and what forces they are able to make cannot provide such fol.89r
such supplies as were requisite for their defence, you may tell them that they have sondrie times been required aswell by Master Thomas Digges the late Mustermaster as also by his brother /James Diggs/ now /principall/ Comissarie of the Musters to send their Commissaries to joyne with them in mustering the said bands, but /as the sayd Digges do affirm the States/ have fayled to send anie at the times apointed /to Joyne with ours/; But yf they shall like henceforth to apoint some Commissaries of theirs to joyne with her Majesties mi- nisters, ther shalbe order given unto them to give notice to their Commissaries of the tyme when the said musters shalbe taken. And to thend yt may be parformed, you shall put the L. Generall in mind to direct her Majesties Comissaries so to doe. Touching their other requests that the Governors of the Cautionarie Townes might be inhibited to inter- medle henceforth in matters of Civill government concerning fol.89v
concerning the administration of justice and the ordinarie pollecie in the said Townes, as also to forbeare to deale in anie matters concerning their Admirals Jurysdiction: You shall at your arrivall at Flushing and so likewise at the Briell, as you passe up to the hague signefie unto the said Governors, that her Majesties pleasure is that they forbeare henceforthe to deale anie further in anie of those /civill/ causes,/or causes parteaning to Admyrall Jurisdiction/ otherwise than as is agreed upon in the con- tract passed between her Majestie and the said Contries, unless it shalbe in such causes of controversie as may happen to fall out between some souldiers of the garrison and some of the burghers of the said Townes; at the deciding whereof to thend the matters may be caried with the more indifferencie between them, yt is thought convenient that the Governor of the Towne /or some english officer for hym/ where anie controversie shall fall out, or the Ser- jeant Major or some other discrete parson Captaine to be apointed by the said governor, should be present at the hearing fol.90r
hearing and decidinge of anie such controversie. And where they desyre that the Captaines & souldiers in her Majesties pay may duly pay the excises and other impositions aswell as the souldiers which serve in their pay: you shall lett them understand that it is thought somwhat hard that they should insyst in so precise a sort in exacting of such impo- sitions of those who dayly hazard their lives in their defence, as to make no difference between them and the naturall borne subjects of that Contrie, who eyther have their livings and dwellings there, or are otherwise relieved, having sondrie other helpes manie other waies, whereas her Majesties subjects being meer straungers, can have no other relief or help than what they have for their readie money and the same at verie high prices by reason of the licences graunted by them to carrie victuals to th'enemie: and therfore it is thought reasonable that they should yeald unto some favorable tolleration in that behalf.