Letter ID: 0096
Reference: TNA, SP 84/28/73 f.71r-72v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0096/008
Date: November 1588
Note: Memorial by Francis Walsingham of points to be included in Bodley's instructions.



Endorsed: A memorial of things to be put in Mr Bodleys instructions. 1594

Later Addition: [Cwt sec] 1588 November [q]


A memoriall of certeyn necessarye poynts to be put in master Bodeleys instructyon[s]

To charge them states with ther lyttle regard
had of her majesties commyendatyon of
F sooche persons as have been
commyended by her
To recommend Deventer
Coronell Backen

To advyse them at this tyme seing the Generall states doe many tymes dyssolve [us] to [what] dyrectyon the princypall governement is conty comytted eyther to contynewe styll together or ells to enlarge the awthorytye of the Cownsell state for that the delayes now usual the ennemye being so stronge as he is can not but be full of perryll for

That according to the infor infor- matyon he shall receyve of Ortell he doe deall eyther with the states Genne- rall or the partyes to whom he shall addresse him

That in case the [ovarture] made for by the states is passed then to send espetyall commyssyonaries hither for the renewing of the contract.