Letter ID: 0095
Reference: TNA, SP 84/28/70 f.69r-70v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0095/008
Date: November 1588
Note: A rough draft of points covered in Bodley's instructions. The address leaf is partly missing.
Copy of: 1307



Endorsed: Heades of instructions for master Boodley

Endorsed: instructions given out to Mi[...]the L postil to them. [...] Their letter of the 13 April LL postil of the 2 Jun instructions [councel state] exceptions D Clerk with Bea[le] {on briells new requestes. Sir John Norris instruction from the q. the instructions from the LLp


The heades of In- structyons for master Bodeley.

That her majestye fynding yt meet for sondrye causes to revoke master Kyllegrew hathe mad estpetyall choyce of him to sopplye his place there with the assystaunce of master Gylpyn whoe is to serve in place of an interpreter.

That whereas ther were dyvers thinges comytted to Sir John Norryce Charge to be commu- nicated unto the states Generall that as may appeare by the coppye of his instructyons that is thought meet that sooche thinges as shall not be by him fynished for lacke of tyme or for that the States Ge- neral [not] assembled that he shall sollycyt the same

That whereas Ortell /Agent sent the United Provynces/ in post a yeare past dyd present unto her majestye certeyn requestes on the behalfe of the states which were referred by her to the L. Threasuror and the secretary to be by them awntswered which being perrformed according[ly] and the states not restyng satysfyced therwith in somme poyntes yt is thowght meete that the sayd Bodeley shall goe thorrowghly instructed how to awntswar the sayd requestes according to sooche dyvertyon as he shall receyve in that beha[lf] from the L. Threasuror and the Secre[tary] That wheras her majestye whe was informed by lett[ers] bothe from the L. Wylloughby and Kyllygrew that the instructyons gevan by the General states were fol.70r
in sundrye poynts dyrectely repugnant to the contract, as /the plan is sette down bothe by d. Clerke and Beale/ yt is thowght convenient that he shall deale with the sayd states Generall in that behalfe for the redresse thereof

That he shall deale with them for the restraynte of carryage of corne cordage and other mu- nytyon into Spayne
