Letter ID: 0063
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Nero B III f.256r-257r
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0063/008
Date: 11 August 1588
Note: Instructions. The text appears in a wide column in the centre of the page.


Dania: 11 August 1588. A Memoriall for Master Thomas Bodley sent by her Majestie unto the King of Denmarke.

You shall make your present repaire to Margate, where by vertue of our letters unto the L. Admirall, or in his absence to the Vice Admirall you shalbe furnished with shipping for your transportation.

And after you shalbe embarqued you shall carefully by the way informe your selfe by such shippes, as you shall meet comming from the Eastparts, what is become of the Spannish Fleete, and if you shall understand that the Fleete is repaired towards Hamborough, and shall use the best and most forcible reasons you may to persuade those of Hamborough not victuall or any waie to relieve the Spanyard the Common enemie of the Christian Religion, and shall for that purpose putt them in mind, how the Spannish Nation sought in Charles the Emperors time to make a Conquest of Ger- many, and for your better creditt you shall deliver her Majesties letters to those of Hamborough.

And in case you shall understand that the Fleetes are passed further Eastward, then you shall repaire to Den- marke, and there by vertue of her Majesties letter directed both to the King, and the Gouvernors of that Realme, you shall sollicite the said King and Gouvernors to forbeare to yeald reliefe to the Spaniards. And to induce them the better to give ease thereunto, you shall acquainte the said King and Gouvenors, how the Duke of Parma hath only used a colour of Treaty to abuse her Majestie minding an [interceasion], as by the manner of proceeding appeareth, wherin the honor of the late King of Den- marke is touched, who first motioned the matter unto her Majestie whom they likewise thought to have abused in seeking to perswade him to be an intercessor towards her Majestie, thereby to have bredd in her a carelesse secu- rity with the hazard of her Estate.

You shall putt the King and the said Gouvernors in mind of the honorable offer made by the late King unto her Majestie that if her Majestie or her Realme should be assailed, he [come] would come to assist her in person. You shall lett them understand that the cause is ge- nerall to all making profession of Religion, the Pope being declared the head of this warre, and undoubtedly to ayde those, which pretend title to the Kingdom of Denmark as the house of Lorraine, who depend uppon Spaine, and are the cause of the troubles now in France.

You shall lett them know that the conspiracy hath a further reach to deprive the protestant Princes of Germany of such Estates, Bishopricks, and livings, which they nowe hold, and bestowe them uppon such others as are addicted unto them. And also you shall advise the said K. and Gouvernors not to believe their faire wordes, and promises, seeing so ill deedes. fol.256v
Dania: 1588 August: You shall so soone as you can gett knowledge where the Spannish Fleet shall resorte to be relieved of his Wants, enforme your selfe in what State the said shipps are, what be their wants, how many in nom- ber, what sicknes there is among them, and what persons of quality they have lost in the last fights had with her Majesties navye, or otherwise by sicknes, what favor they receive in places, where you shall find them, and from whom, and which way they meane to returne either through to the west through the Narrow Seas betwixt England and France, or about by the west of Scotland, or by Ire- land, of all which particularities so soone as you shalbe thoroughly informed, you shall advertise us by the barke that is appointed to goe with you. And in case you shall learne that any of the Hanze Townes shall send any reliefe of victuals or munition to the said Spanyards, you shall then deale with the Gouvernors of Denmarke to move them to use some meanes towards the said Townes to disswade them from yeelding them any such reliefe, and besides you shall lett fall some speeches in such sort, as the same may be reported unto those of the Hanze Townes, that in case any such reliefe shalbe yeelded unto them, such of her Majesties subjects, as shall serve on the seas, shalbe justly provoked to take revenge of such shipps as shall belong to the said Townes, considering the said Spanyards have their purpose by such ayde to invade this Realme with a mind of a conquest. And in case you shall find Master Daniell Rogers in Denmarke, you shall then acquainte him with this your charge, and require his assistance and advise therein by whom you shall enforme your selfe, whether according to the direction given him he did acquaint the Gouvernors of Denmark with a practise the Duke of Parmas uppon an Iland lying uppon the Coast of Norway called Ilekewe, nere to a Towne called Otterness, whereof he was directed to lett the said Gouvernors understand, that the said Duke seeketh the possession to the end he may be the better able to stoppe the navigation of the Holland and others into the Sound, which if he should bring to passe, would prove merveilous prejudiciall to that Realme, and therefore in case the said Rogers shalbe departed before your arrivall there, you shall notwithstanding acquainte them with the said practice. Lastly

if by the waye you have certaine intelligence

that the said Fleete hath taken the way about Scottland, or shall happen to returne hether wards fol.257r
Dania: 1588 August: hetherwards to passe thorough the narrow Seas so as it is not likely the same shall repaire to any of the said Kings Dominions, or the territories of any of the steeds, then you shall not need to proceede any further in your voyage, but returne againe hether- wards.