Letter ID: 0607
Reference: TNA, SP 75/1/46 f.112r-113v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0607/008
Date: 17 April 1585
Note: An draft extract of Bodley's instructions. There is a florilegium on the address leaf.



Later Addition: 1585 April 17.

Endorsed: An Extract of master Bodleighes Instructions beyng sent to the K: of Denmark.


The effect of Master Bodleighs Instructions sent to the K: of Denmarke. etc

To lett him understand howe the attempt of the Duke of Guy[se] and his associates is procured by the K: of Spayne the Pop[e] and the rest of the Catholique Princes in Christendome and for the puttyng in execution of the Cowncell of Trent.

That therfore it standeth all such Princes uppon as pro- fesse the Gospell to looke well to them selves.

That the purpose of the Guyse to force the K: to depriv[e] the K: of Navarre of his succession to the Crowne of Fraunce, is a dangerouse example lyke to bee extended to all other princes professyng the gospell that bee present possessioners of their owne dominions.

That the salfest waye for the Princes of Europe professyng the gospell is to joyne them selves in an association for their common defence.

For this purpose that all the sayd Princes send their deputies to some place in Germanie to resolve uppon some cause for their common defence: and to make offer on their Princes behalfes of both money & men to bee employed to this end in case of necessitie.

The sayd deputies to bee authorised both to consult and offer some meanes of support for the K. of Navarre.

That the sayd K: of Denmark would write his letters to the Princes Protestants of Germanie to the effect of all the promisses lyke as hir Majestie hathe done perswadyng them to the foresayd Association.

That the sayd K: perswade his uncle the Duke of Holst thoughe heretofore for some particular respects he have served the K: of Spayne: yet now for the common cause sake of the gospell which he professethe he forbeare to yeald anie forces to goe owt of his contrie to sve the Catholicques. fol.112v
To let the sayd Kyngs understand of the pretended title the howse of Lorayne maketh to Denmarkes Crowne.

To acquaynt him with your memoriall of the treacherouse dealynges of the Jesuites in Fraunce.