Letter ID: 0082
Reference: TNA, SP 81/3/66 f.176r-177v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0082/008
Date: 27 April 1585
Note: A draft of points included in Bodley's instructions.



Later Addition: Vide 1585 27 April

Endorsed: An Extract of master Bodleighes Instructions being sent to the Duke of Brunswicke.


The effect of Master Bodleighes Instructions sent to the D: of Brunswike.

To acquaynt him with what care hir Majestie hathe sondrie tymes heretofore and nowe presently doth advertise the K. of Denmark & Princes of Germanie of the dangerouse combination of the Catholicque Princes & the Pope a- gaynst all Princes professing the gospell, for the puttyng in execution of the Cowncell of Trent: the attempt of the D: of Guyse nowe in Fraunce tendyng to this end. That hir Majestie /thincketh good/ some convenient place for the meetyng the Princes protestants Commissioners to be appoynted in Germanie as shortly as may be, there to consult & agre howe to joyne together for their cmmon defence: whether she will send some speciall person.

That he would conveighe hir Majesties letters to the dukes of Saxonie, Brandeburghe, and the Lantgrave of Hesse beeyng to theffect aforesayd: & procure hir speedie answeare from them of their purpose and place to be appoynted for the meetyng of the sayd Commissi- oners.

To desyre him to impart the substance of this negotiation to the Dukes of Holst, Pomeran, Mechelburghe & other Princes Erls & some Cities of the Confession of Aus- burghe in those parts that they may joyne in sending to the assemblie: & Restrayne all levyes of men in their territories to serve agaynst anie of the Relligion

To pray the sayd D: of Brunswike to order his preacher[s] not to revive controversies of relligion well appeaced, but in their sermons & writynges to exhort unto u- nitie: and to exhort the princes his neighbours to doe the lyke.

That he would pray the townes of the steds to concurre with the Princes of Germanie in this intended assem- bye: and to send their Commissioners to the same. fol.176v
To acquaynt the sayd D: with a memoriall of the treacherouse dealyngs of the Jesuites in Fraunce.