Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D III f.273r-274v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1311/008
Date: 28 November 1588
Note: Thomas Bodley's Cipher. The code is presented as columns and rows of corresponding symbols and keys. The address leaf is mutilated and mostly missing.
fol.274vEndorsed: Cipher for Master Bodley. 28 November 1588:
Later Addition: [.]
Later Addition: Belgia 1588 28 November [C]ipher Master Bodly
pi a. | o b. | T c. | 10 d. | [minuscule delta] e. | [horizontal T, pointing left] f. | 19 g. | + h. | 12. i. | [horizontal T, pointing right] k. | k l. | 14 m. | s n. | 15 o. | [minuscule lambda] p. | 16 q. | 17 r. | v s. |
3 t. | [elongated 0] v. | [minuscule theta] w. | 13 x. | 18 y. | [twin lobed flower with stem curving to bottom left] z. |
A P C D G E R Q F J K O M N S T V | England France Spaine Germany Denmark Scotland Esteland Estfrizland Westfrizland Holland Zelland Gueldres Flanders Brabant Artoys Heynalt Itally |
[back to back 'c's with line through] [omega] ['w' with line across top] [bottom and right sides of square] [bottom and left sides of square] [8 not joined at top, with stem] [square with top side missing] [top and left sides of square] [square] [top and right sides of square] [square with right side missing] [florelegium] [star/asterisk] # [curved 'n' with small circles at each end] | Emperor Q majesty French K Poope K of Spain Q mother of france K of Navar K of Scots D of Guise D of Parma K of Portingal D Emanuel his son D Casamir Reitters Lansquenechts the Spain Camp Don Bernardino de Mendoza |
[circle with horizontal I through] [bottom and right sides of square with dot on each side of the vertical] [bottom and left sides of square with dot on each side of the vertical] [square with right side missing, with dot on each side of the vertical] [top and left sides of square with dot on each side of the vertical] [square with top side missing with dot on each side of the left vertical] [8 not joined at top] [cross with lines across each end] [vertical line with dot on each side] [= but wavy] [box with dot on each side of left vertical] | Count Maurice Count Hohenlo Count Nieuenar The States general Councel of Stat Villiers St Aldigonde Paul Buys Barnevelt Skinck Deventer Sonoy |
30 40 50 [circle with cross through] 70 [left diagonal with two circles on bottom end] | L Tresurer L Chancelor L Admiral L Buckhurst Sir Francis Walsingham L Willoughby |
Venice Milan Rome Livorno Naples Paris Parma Ancona 33 34 | Vlassing Briel Sluis Ostend Midleburg Utrecht Bergen Hage Delfe Dort |
24 25 45 49 27 55 39 43 42 | Campen Swol Deventer Zutphen Wiesel Arnham Amsterdam Enchusen Nieumegen |
21 32 37 72 84 90 88 99 | Andwerp Bruges Buxels Gaunt Namur Mons St Omer Iperen |
100 200 28 | Dunkerk Graveling Embden |
b at | d with | f for | g from | h to | m by | n and | p the |
g that | t which |