Letter ID: 1294
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XII f.31r-32v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1294/000
Date: 24 March 1596
Note: On fol.31r at the words 'Upon the writing' there is a vertical line inscribed in the margin which continues until the words 'my knowledge and report' on fol.31v. A similar line accompanies the postscript until the word 'between'.
Copy of: 0730


May it please your good L. Upon the writing of my last of the 21 and the 22 heereof to your L. and to Sir Robert Cecyll, I was presently informed, that the States had a meaning, to treate me to repaire with their offer to her Majestie, to the end they might be told [whereunto they must trust.] For although that I had written to understand her Highnes pleasure, about the point of their intention, not to tye themselves by the Treatie to her Highnes heyres and successors, yet they thought it very requisit, to deale effectually and cleerly in every other pont by delyvering unto me their Articles in writing, to be wholly and particularly imparted unto her that when their Deputies shalbe in England there may be no exception against any one Article, which they should be forced to returne as they came, wherof they apprehend that so great inconvenience may presently ensue, as they will not give the adventure without some certaintie before. If her Majestie presuppose, that their Deputies shall come, with suche sufficient comission as it will be loste to their discretions, to treat of any thing there, as occasion is ministred, or in any [other] sort, then is precisely prescribed before they dep[art it] is told me very flatly, that it will not be permitted [and] no man heere will be willing to goe with suche Comisssion. He that made me thus privie to the purpose of the States is the partie knowen to your L. from whome the Project came at first, who when he had found me nothing willing to depart from the Hage, till I had heard out of England, for that her Majestie might happilie upon that which I had written, enjoine me to doe somewhat that might [aske my] presence heere, he told me very earnestly, it was need- full I should doe it, to drawe the States by that meanes to exhibit unto me, their Agreement in writing, which otherwise he was sure they would keepe unto themselves, till I were readie to depart, and might be moved then the while, to make some further alte- rations. Finding his advise to concurre in this point, with the opinion of others, and having prooved by experience, that some one newe devise of some one ticklish Deputie, might suffise to marre as muche, fol.31v
as had bin hitherto determined, and [that also other] accidents might engender among th[em some back-] [ward] discourses, I fell to take this reso[lution that I] would take my leave heere and goe p[resently for] Zeland, and there attend the returne o[f the messen-] ger I sent, and if any newe charge [were impo] sed upon me, by order from her Majestie tha[t were of] importance, and should requyre my p[resence here,] I would returne upon it out of hand, [but if it] might be perfourmed by Master Gilpin alo[ne, I would] repaire unto her Majestie with all convenien[t expedition.] I shall heereupon receave their offer in [writing,] with some letter of petition, that her Majestie wou[ld accept] it, which when they have delivered, I wil[l from hence] into Zeland, knowing no better waye to n[egotiat] heerin, and finding it behoofull for sundri[e weightie] considerations, before the Deputies goe from h[ence, to] informe her Majestie very throughlie, of such[e .] ties and pointes, in which there may be some [use of] my knowledge and report. And so I take [my humble leave] From the Hage March 24 95.

Postscript: [In margin: Postscript]
Your L. will be pleased to remember her Majestie as I h[ave formerly] advertised, that there hath nothing bin delyvered [by me to] the States in all my Treaties with them, as if her Hig[hnes were ac-] quainted with the course of my dealing. Nor I [give no ap-] probation to any part of their offer, in her be[half, but] will onely take it as exhibited, to be presented [first by me] and after by their Deputies, if she will accept [it,] And in that respect I thought it fitte, whether he[r Highnes] lyke it or dislyke it, to have it in my custo[dy, to] prevent suche further change as might [happily come .] between. By communication heere with some, I [do find] that they could wishe, that the garrison of Flushing[were not] left over weake by drawing away so many [men, not for] any feare that they have of the Enemie, but to ta[ke away occa-] sion from the inhabitants of the Towne of seeking [further] libertie, which if it should happen, wherof the[y say] notwithstanding they have no maner of [suspicion,] fol.32r
it might perhaps be impossible for the State to recover the place for her Majestie againe. And so for the Brille they say the same.