From my L. Tresurer 15 December 95. Her Majestie hath bin acquainted with your dispatche of the 26 of November, wherein though she doth finde how acce- ptable it is to the States, that she suspendeth her demaundes: yet can she not remaine satisfyed her self with this maner of proceeding, wherein the world must needes parceave, That their respect to her present occasions, is farre short of hers towardes them, in the times of their greatest necessities. And therfore although her Majestie is pleased, That you do lette them know, that she (out of her love to their Estate) is not disposed now to contest with them, but will forbeare to doe any thing, which might serve for colour of any disorder or confusion to arise amongst them at this time, when there are so many devises used to gaine the popular with fraudulent offers of Peace, yet would she have you lette them know, That this their cold proceeding with her, must needes leave coldenesse in her disposition, though it must be no smal[l] mater that shall worke, eyther separation or alienation from them, whose good she hath preferred before so many particular considerations of her owne. And therfore for the matter of shipping, of which in their owne lettres