Copie of my lettre to my L. Tresurer 19 October 95. Whereas I am enjoyed to proceede without admitting anie dilatorie answear, I protest unto your L. I know not in the world how to doe it more effectually, then I have put in tryal having done in that behalf both in publicke and in privat, as fol.293r
must as is possible, and more by much then is expressed in any point of my instructions, as well by speciall parsuasions, as by other insinuations of danger to the contrey: in so much as I have doubted in mine owne privat judgement, whether I kept in that decorum, in regard of the dignitie and state of her Majestie to insist so earnestly, so often, so many sundry wayes, with a people of this condition, and so much bound unto her Highnes. And therefore not prevailing with so great importunity I could wade no further with them, but certify by lettres, how I founde their dispositions. But since the receite of your L. letter, the Councell of Estate being come home to the Hage, upon the writing of the States, I laboured what I could to procure their advise to be ppresently given: but getting notice under hand, that their drift was altogether, to sende unto her Majestie (as I have allwayes thought they would) to cutte of all occasions of further delayes, I lette them flatly understand, and with all I made it knowen to the college of the States, that if so be they had no meaning to satisfie her Highnes but would happely determine to sende some Deputies unto her, to deli- ver theyr excuses, they should alter that intent, and keepe theyr Deputies at home: for so I had bin willed to signifie unto them. This was taken much to hart, that her Majestie would refuse in a cause of that moment, to give them the hearing: and both the States and the Councell have consulted very often for divers dayes together, what course to take upon it. For to forbeare to sende at all, they thought it might be taken for a weake resolution, sith they could not by their lettres make so cleare a demonstration of their want of ready meanes, to give her Majestie contentment, and to prevent therewithall the effectes of her displeasure, as by the verbals of those that might be purposely sent about it: whome they hoped that her Highnes upon theire sute in that behalfe would be willing to admitte. And yet to sende upon presumption, when they had bin by me forewarned to refrayne, and so parhaps, when they came, to be rejected of her Majestie they thought it would be caried fol.293v
over all partes of Christendome, and move the multitude heere, who might thinke they were forsaken, to accept of such conditions as the Peacemakers offer.
When I presse them somewhat neere in privat conversation, to tell me, how they can prevent the subversion of their State, if her Majestie should protest and withdrawe her assistance, theyr answear savoureth altogether of a desperat moode. Loth, they say, they would be to contest with her Highnes and will shunne it, as they may, in all dutifull sorte, that the Enemy may not triumphe, and turne it to his benefit: but if she force them unto it, by her publicke protestaons, they have but to much to alleage, both to justifie themselves in the sight of the world, and to notifie to all men, with what patience they have boren the breaches of the contract exceeding greatly to theyr prejudice: And if withall shee will proceede to deprive them of her aide, they must, and will provide to trust unto themselves, and to such helpes, as God shall sende, it having bin ever theyr destinie to deffende their libertie and rightes with adversity and troubles. But if otherwise then well should befalle their estate, it would be seene but oversoone that Englandes staffe standeth next the doare. I call to minde many times that her Majestie in her speeches of the affaires of these contreis, hath seemed often so to build upon the affections of this people, as if the Generality were more addicted to content her, then this assembly of their Deputies, and that the inhabitants of the Townes might be drawen by remonstrance to refourme and disavowe the dea- lings of their Delegates. This was so out of question at the making of the Contract, and so continued somewhat after, untill they grewe out of liking with some courses, that were held by some Ministers of her Majestie, and reduced their estate to some better forme of government. But for these 6 or 7 fol.294r
years, I have found the people very willing to be guided by their Deputies, who are also very warie to know how farre they may presume. For though somwhat sometimes be done by their Deputies against their humors and opinions, yet it is but very seldome in maters of moment: and I could never yet observe that there was any thing controlled or contermanded by the people, that they had once ordained: which is the patience they will use, for preservation of their union, whereof I thought it not amisse to touche a worde unto your L. if happly some course of proposing maters to the comons, should seeme expedient for her Majestie.