fol.2vAddressed: To the right honorable Sir Robert Cecyll Knight of her Highnes privy Councel.
Endorsed: 28 July 1595 Master Bodelie to Sir Robert Sidnie Cecill.
May it please your H. to send me by this bearer my Instructions, with her Highnes lettre to Co. Mau- rice, and to affourde me a worde unto my L. Tresurer for two pasportes; one for posthorses, and the other for passage of my stuffe, to the serchers, and bothe to be made for comming and going. For I find sometimes, that when I chance to land in returnining in unusual places, where I am unknowen, there is difficultie made to serve my turne. If your H. have occasion to use me in any thing, ether nowe or whensoever, if yow please to lette me knowe it, there shall want no good endevors, to give yow good con- entment. And so I take my humble leave. July 28 95. Your H. humble at commaundement Tho. Bodley
Later Addition: Of Sir Thomas Bodley (founder of the famous library at Oxford) & particularly his transactions with Count Maurice, In Woods Ath: Oxon: p.327.
Later Addition: To Sir Robert Cecyll PriviCouncillor to Q. Elizabeth