Later Addition: Belgi[a] Stilo Rom [[To my Lor]]d Tresorer [[From Master B]]odly
May it please your good L: Among dyvers lettres sent from Brussels and intercepted heere of late, I sent you two, with my last of the 26 of February and heerwith a third which was also written by the same Critton to James Tyrius the Scottish Jesuit at Rome, and did not seeme to be regarded by those that kept the lettres. But I fynde it worth the reading for many respectes, because it doth manifest that there are many brabbles and discontentement among those of that nation in Brussels and else where, and that they are in dispayre of good successe in the Enemies actions both heere and in France. It is also easie to perceave by perusing the wordes interlaced with the figures, that there is mater signified of special importance. Which if it cannot be deciphred by any at home, I am of opinion that the Copie of the lettre being sent to some man that is of capacitie, and imployed by your L: in Brussels or Andwerp, if he be but acquainted with the Scottes that are there, and the factious among them, it will be presently discovered. Those that are heere of the Scottish nation for want of knowledge who they are that are these, and how they stande for affection one to another, can give me no light. As touching my negotiation the returne of the De- puties of Gueldres and Overissel, are dayly now expected, and then the States I am certaine will deliver me their answear; without putting me of to a farther day. We have assured intelligence from divers places of the Enemies Contreis, that the vulgar people every where crye openly out against the their miseries, shewing manifest token that they desyre to be joined to the rest of this union. And as farre as I can judge of the States inclination, if the motion proceede from the other syde to them, thereafter as it is they are fully bent to intertaine it, to the best advantage of their cause. But whether it were expedient that we should stryke at this yron whyle it is hotte, and be the first that should send to the Enemies Provinces that doth rest in deliberation, albeyt I doe perceave that most men are of mynde, that we should not sturre in this case, but as occasions are presented from them unto us. For this is alleadged for it, That before they send to the Enemie, in a mater of that impor- tance, they must of force heere at home have recourse to every Province, to purchase autoritie, wherby it will be imparted to very towne, and soe come abroad among the people, who, as every man doubtes may proove so over headlong in such a plausible mo- tion, as perhaps when they see, it is once a foote, they will violently thorow without regarde to their owne securitie. The fear of this humor in the multiutde, doth stay them from proceeding fol.39v