fol.15vAddressed: [.] Embassador for her Majestie in the Low Countreys A la Haye To the right Honorable Master Bodley Lo Embassador for her Majestie in the Low Countreys. A la Haye.
Oh, my Lord Embassador, I had never thought that I showld have had soche a bitter practise of that which I was wont to take soche pleasure in the Discourse of, Never was ther greater battayll in any Mans mynd, betwixt patience and revenge, at Last the Excellency of that vertu, helped, though it, need no help, but I, with the Grave Cownsell that I receyved from you: but Especially with the Noteable respect which I beare to the States, I say patience prevailed, and had so Moche Gotten, that I was in deba- te with my self whether I showld any waye stur in at all: but happely it fell /out/ the same night I receyved a letter from the Admirall of Zeland, that fol.12v
The Ennemy, had some enterp[rise [.]] the Towne, which letter beeing [[written]] in Dutche, I requested vand[[er] [.]] to Enterprett it unto me, wh[[.]] from drinking with the Baylly, [[.]] councell but that the Baylly ha[[.]] him that I had a Jesuist in [[.]] ny, lately comme out of Engl[[and]] [.] he /man/ that entertayned the [.] was then thought come [Entelli] [In margin: was the man that entertayned the Entelligence with the Ennemy]
gence, and desribing the ma[[.]] heare and /by/ Goeing to the w[[.]] Bootes, I cowld not possi[[bly .]] soche a one to my remembrance [[.]] for the serjent Master and for th[[.]] my Company, whoe knew the [[.]] not, how he came unto my Co[[.]] wheruppon I sent for the [emsen .] [[.]] whoe towld me that Captain [Flod] h[[ad] fol.13r
requested him to recommend the Man unto me, I sent for Captain Fludd, whoe was a Bed, he towld me he had preferred the man unto me, that he had known him Longe my Lady Penbruckes man, and for hurting one of his fellows turned away, that he brought my Lord of Penbruckes Letters and to My Lord Governor of Flushing in his favor, and that he had beene at Flushing with him, but hearing that Captain Fludd was heare in Garison beeing Borne within tow myles togeather desired to serve with him, and so was by Captain Flud for him more Good preferred, unto me, This is the Jesuist, by this man did I practise to sell the Towne: My Lord Embassador, wonder not that I was troubled, but wonder that I grew not Madd: see heare, the practise of my fol.13v
former studies, behowld now, and [[.]] the temper of an honnest mynd, [[.]] him God might, and went my se[[.]] my bed, but not to rest: Ther I [[.]] not, but breake forrth in [[.]] soche villaynes, and divilishe [[.]] Ther I discowrsed that ther w[[.]] of Conspiring, that /thence if/ I should p[[.]] [In margin: [.] patience hath his lymytes, beyond which it is no more vertu but basenes:]
that yet the Queenes Majesty [[.]] reomended me, and to whome ther[[.]] I am a littell of kinedred, won[[.]] me that my whole County wou[[.]] against me, that my Brothr[[en .]] teare me in peeces, that a[[.]] men in England to the best [[.]] of kynne, would disdayne me th[[.]] would Curse that he had bego[[.]] yet I thank God his grace prevayl[[.]] moche, with me, that I forbeare my self [[.]] take any revenge, but of a wonderf[[ul]] fol.14r
respect unto the states whome I serve, have differred the revenge and Justice unto them before whome I will allways be ready with a halter abowt my Neck, to aunswerall that can be layd against me, desiring only that my accusers may lykewise appeare to the end that if they shall not be able to proove Her accusations, then they may suffer the punishement which I ought to have endured if I had bene Guillty, and leste they showld Escape, though In /the/ respect which the whole world may see that beare to the States my Maisters, I forbeare to lay handes uppon them, yet have I restrayned them to ther Chaumbers, I Meane the Baylly and Spyllman, untill it shall please Her Majesty (to whome allso knowing how moche it concerned her Honnor:) I have wrytten this same,) and the states to ordayne how and wher we shall aunswer it, fol.14v
heare my Lord Embassador, you [[.]] notable subject to shew your Love [[.]] me, and our whole nation, I h[[.]] man so fitt to have recowrse un[[.]] you, beeing her Majestyes Emba[[assador]] Importune I pray you that I [[.]] have justice, and I pray you [[.]] states know that they shall not [[.]] to dowbt, though I weare Go[[.]] those Complaintes shall came u[[.]] for I /will/ returne unto them with a [[halter]] abowt my necke as I sayd: [[.]] Bludd Geave them satisfact[[ion .]] the Treason that I ever [[.]] them:
I pray you desire Master Barnev[elt to] remember that I towld him that if [[.]] spirites did /not/ prevaill by ther first Cou[[.]] they would seeke new, and if they cow[[ld .]] not against me, they would against her [[Majesty]] fol.15r
and their state, being soche as for to have some meanes to lyve according to ther Great [Ryott] and Ambition would undertake any thing, and Rightly say: flectere si Nequeo Superos, achaeronta movebo:
I showld Geve your Lo Great thankes for your fair preasent But I am not now fitt for any thing, so full of Greaff and vexation of Mynd: that I yeald under it, and am faine to [seale] to thynke of it any lenger at this tyme, but abruptly to leave, and wishing you better then I Can hope for my self ever rev[.] Your Lo very assured and Loving freend Edward Norreys [.] my lord beare wth this my souilled and blurred letter a troubled mynd can wryte no Better: ostend this [.] January 1595.