fol.94vEndorsed: De Mr Bodley le mois de Octobre 1595
Sir, I knowe not what to write, that might be well- come unto yow: unles I trust unto your kindnesse, that all is welcome that I write. For the Enemie with us doth keepe his forces fast by ours, without biting or bar- king: and all that while we can doe nothing. We are wonderfull afraide, that the losse of Cambray, will prove a great mater for the Enemies advantage. We have no lettres of the losse, but the talke is so abroade, and we account it can not holde. For the King is too slowe, and his meanes are too weake: and we feare under hand some practise of attonement between him and the Spaniard: wherof the sequele in apparance will be the ruine of these contreis, which will give us worke in England. It may be notwithstanding that we are more afraid then hurt, the King intending nosuche mater. But sith he hath receaved the Popes Abso- lution, which is the Divel and all, there is reason to misdoubt, that he will worke his owne securitie, and that by hooke or by crooke, without regard unto his neigh- bors to whome, I am persuaded, he doth /not/ thinke him- self beholding. I doe nothing in my message but sitte me still, and take many dilatorie answears, which I doubt, when all is done, will engender no mony. I pray yow calle to minde, that I have told yow often times, that I had proved a happy man, if some other had taken this message upon him: and that it would be conceaved in continuance of time, that I de- served at the lest a gratious welcome home: I heape yow /up/ all that comes to hand, to make out my lettre: which shall be mended heereafter, when I meete with better mater, resting now and ever From the Hage 30 September Your most affectionat at commaundement Tho. Bodley