fol.119vEndorsed: [.] de Master Bodley a Master le Comte d'Essex le ixme davril 1595
Maie it please your good Lop in the matter of Sir Horace Pallavisini I have travailed with manie by perticuler perticuler perswacion and have accompanied the lettre which was sent me from her Majestie withall my poore elloquence in their publicke assembly but they make the cause so clere for the acquitall of them selves as I see not how to argue to reprove their assertions But I shall have good leysure to talke of that matter at my commynge to your Lop for I am over intreated by the states as your Lop maie see by the copie hereinclosed to carrie their answere to her Highnes and to acquaint her fullie with their Estate which can by no meanes affourd that yearly remboursement of a hundred thowsande poundes that is required by my Lo. Tresurer sithe my purpose is no other then but to goe and rettorne thoughe my trust be in the favour which your Lop will shewe /me/ yf their be anie nede And so I take my humble leave Your Lops most humbly bounden Thomas Bodley From the Hague the 23 of aprill