fol.16vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the Erle of Essex.
Endorsed: Master Bodley to E. Essex February [94] [Cop & Ex:]
May it please your good L. when I came to Middel- bourgh, I had some speeche with Master Valke, with whome I thought it not amisse, to beginne in this order. I told him that her Majestie had enjoined me expressely, to salute him in her name, and to will him to remember, what he had signified unto her, about the Amitie conclu- ded at his being in Scotland. She had occasion to conjecture, that somwhat els aswell as that, was ether then contrived, or would be very shortly, when Coronel Stuart should come hither: albeit she had no doubt, but Master Valke for his particular would never yelde to any practise, that might turne to her detriment. But if in the end it proved otherwise, the inconvenience of suche dealinges would falle upon these contreis, and perhaps so great a part would light upon his shoulders, as they would not be able to welde the weight of that bourden, as bigge, and as large, and as strong as they were: which I told him withall she uttered very merely. For suche a kinde of salutation I thought might fitte very well with her Majesties deliverie. And so he tooke it in good part, with humble thankes unto her Highnes that she vouchesafed to thinke upon him: but yet with earnest protestation, that nothing had passed between the Scottish King and them, but a general revocation of the ancient leagues and alliances between the towne two contreis. And if any thing els should be sought at their handes, he was flatte of opinion, that they were not to embrace it in honestie, or pollicie: considering what favors they had receaved of her Highnes and howe mightie she was, if she would be re- venged: and that in Scotland they sawe nothing but beggerie, wantes, and weakenesse. He also added other reasons too long /to/ relate, but in one among the rest, he utterly disliked, to see so many youthes about the King in his Court, and so fewe of any gravitie. fol.15v
Coronel Stuart as then was not arrived, but came to Middelbourgh the same day: and after suche time as Master Valke had bin with him, he visited me againe, and signified of him self, that he perceaved by the Coronel, that he came from the King, to require the seale of the states, for confirmation of that League, which Master Brederorde and he had signed in Scotland: and besides to intreat for some aide against the rebels of that contrey: purposing also, as he thought, to goe from hens into Germany. I tooke occasion heereupon, to discourse a litle with him, and to wishe that their state would be very well advised, what they did in those cases, without acquainting her Majestie with their purpose before. For said I to tell yow plainely, we are thus persuaded of Scottes in England, that they are naturaly inclined to dissimulation and cunning, and are full of inconstancie: and that which yow in good meaning may be wonne to graunt unto them, will peradventure be abused to your very great preudice. It might be also in continuance, that they would falle to complaine of her Highnes dealinges with the King, which if in every point she have not applied to their humou- rous dispositions, they would undoubtedly disgrace, and happely seeke to drawe the states to a like dislike of her proceedinges. Wherewith I made some rehersall, howe highly the King was beholding to her Majestie and howe unkindly for his part he had requited it hitherto: concluding therupon, that if the King and these contreis should joine in any action against her Majesties good li- king, it would at last come to light, howe secretly soever it were caried for the time. And then her Majesties puis- sance, and the Love that is borne by her subjectes unto her, being duly considered, it was easie to foresee, howe soone she might be able, to meete with his designes, and so pulle downe that saile wherunto he trusteth most. And as for these contreis, she hath gotten in her custodie their cau- tionarie townes, which are the keies of all their doares, fol.16r
that they can not sturre about their buisnesse, but by her favor and permission. This commu- nication I had with him as by way of discourse, and upon suche occasions as he himself ministred, without geving any token of the lest suspition, that I had any notice of the Coronels errand: but rather, as if I knewe him so well, that I was throughly assured, he would bend all his service, to doe very good offices. As fitte occasions are presen- ted, I will also deale with some others, according to their qualities, to the same or like effect. But the chiefest have bin absent, at the mariage of Co. Hohenlo, and are but newly nowe returned, nor I have had no opportunitie to see the Coronel himself. As touching my message to the General states, I have written what is done unto my L. Tresurer, and of somwhat els besides, wherof heereinclosed I send yow a copie, and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage February 5 1594 Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley