fol.239vEndorsed: 16 November 1595 Master Bodley to my Master His dislyke for not being graced with the Tytle of her Majesties Embassadour. Rec. at London the viijth of Decembre /
Later Addition: 16 November 95
May it please your H. sith in several lettres from her Majestie to the states, she hath vouchesafed to give me the title of an Ambassador, and I have bin so acknowledged in all their lettres from hens, I beseche yow to procure, that it may be so continued, till I be revoked. For it will be thought an in- congruitie, to have done it at first, and nowe to calle it downe, and it may at some time, give occasion of some hindrance to her Majesties service, when dewe respect is not had. What hath bin done in Sir Edward Norreys mater, in whose behalf yow writte unto me, and what care I have taken, to end it to his liking, I leave to his owne report, and my self, and my service, in all your occasions to your H. disposition. Your H. very humble at commandement Tho. Bodley