Letter ID: 0488
Reference: TNA, SP 84/51/165 f.163r-164v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0488/000
Date: 25 September 1595
Copies: 1390 0716



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley, Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 25 September 1595 Master Bodley to my L.

Later Addition: 25 September 95


May it please your good L. It is nowe ten daies and more, that the Deputies of the states, which were sent to take advise of Co. Maurice and the Councel, re- turned to the Hage. And sins I have observed that both they and the rest have bin divers times together, to consult upon the mater: in so muche as I suppo- sed, that ether they before this, would have sent for me unto their college, or deputed some to tell me, to hat effect they had resolved. But being secretly informed, that they had varied in opinions, and surceased for the time to deliberat upon it, I requested to have audience in their publicke meeting, where I put them in remembrance of all the course of my pro- ceeding in this negotiation: howe long it had bin, sins the mater was proposed: howe many lettres her Highnes had written unto them: and howe great occasions were presented, that she might worthely disdaine this long delaieng of their answear: with suche other alle- ations, as fitted that argument. Whereto their spee- ches returned were so vehement, and earnest, and full of solemne protestations, as I can not calle to minde, that I have heard them at any time doe the like heeretofore. For of all the troublesome accidents, that had hapned among them, sins the union of their Pro- vinces, they affirmed very constantly, that there had not any at any time ether buisied them longer, or grieved them more, or caried so muche danger, if it were not well conducted, as this proposal of her Majestie. For which they urged me exceedingly, to move her Highnes to consider the composition of their gouvernment, the humor of the people, and the state of their affaires, fol.163v
which in a cause of this nature, would by no meanes ad- mitte a speedier dispatche. They had sent, they saied, of purpose, to the Councel of Estate, to require their advise upon her Majesties demaunde: which had already bin repor- ted by their Deputies unto them, but it proved so de- fective, as they were aided nothing by it for which they had resolved, to send their lettres out of hand, to request their presence at the Hage, so that they hoped very shortly, to come in conference together, and then to growe to some conclu- sion. Which was the effect of all their answear: though I did my best endevor, to drawe them by persuasion, to some present resolution. For my privat opinion of the sequele of this mater, it is no other in no respect, then I have formerly declared by my lettres to your L. Heere is nothing to be heard but complaintes of all handes: that I may say in this mater, as I could never yet in any that touched her Majestie, That of all that heeretofore I have founde in this contrey well affected unto her, I doe not knowe so muche as one, that will affourde the lest aide, or any token of allowance, or favor in this mater. The Enemies campe and ours are still together as they ere, but that 20 troupes of ours are going for Piccardy, to witte 10 of this contrey, under Monsieur de Nassau, and the regiment of Scottes, which are likewise 10 companies, under Coronel Marrey. And yet we thinke that Co. Maurice is somwhat stronger then Mondragon, who hath sent away no part of his forces to de Fuentes, nor doth not intend it, by common conjecture, unles the Kinge come the stronger. Of de Fuentes proceedinges I thinke your L. intelligence is surer then ours, and sooner brought unto yow. Heere is very litle hope that the Kinge will be able to rescue the place, aswell in regard of fol.164r
his want of men and meanes, as for the slacknesse of his comming. And the Enemie, we say, is already in the rampartes, using all expedition, both by batterie, and by mining, to frustrat his arrival. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 25 Sept. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley