fol.143vAddressed: To the right honorable Sir Robert Cecyll knight of her Highnes privy Councell.
Endorsed: [1]4 April 1595 Master Bodley to my Master By Master Hunter./
Later Addition: 14 April 95
May it please your H. The bearer heerof Master Andrewe Hunter, is minister heere to the Scottishe regiment, and going for England, hath requested me before, to write somewhat to your H. wherof he might be the cariar. For it seemeth by his speeches, that he is knowen already to yow, by way of some report, though not by sight or other notice. For mine owne part, it is not very long, that I have had his acquaintance, but I have founde him, sins I knewe him, very honest and learned, and well affected every way, for a man of his profession to her Majesties courses: for which I can not but satisfie his foresaid desire, and recommend him heerewith to your honorable favor, which when occasion is presented, I assure my self he will deserve, with any endevor in any mater, that his abilitie can perfourme. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage 14 April. Your H. at commaundement Tho. Bodley