fol.107vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 18 Martij 1594. Master Bodeleie to my L./ From the Haghe./
Later Addition: 18 March 94/5
May it please your good L. sins my last of the 14 the states have pressed Coronel Stuart to spe- cifie what aide the K. doth require, alleaging for themselves, that they can not well determine, what will serve his necessitie, because they are not well acquainted with the state of that contrey, and sundrie needefull particularities. And heere- upon the Coronel hath framed his petition for a 1000 foote, and 500 horse, for six monethes: wherof I doubt not in like sort, but he hath notified under- hand to some principal persons, that if 3 monethes of it be advanced, it will satisfie the kinge. I might be drawen to conjecture, by this forme of proceeding, that before it be long, they will graunt his demaunde, it seeming a summe of so smalle account, as the K. hath greater cause to dis- daine to crave it, by way of an ambassade, then they /to/ refuse to part with the mony. Nevertheles by that which I can gather, by privat communication with some of the chiefest, or can otherwise learne by secret meanes, which I doe use in that behalf, they are bent at this present, to send him emptie home. Howsoever they shall deale, this good will come of it in res- pect of her Majestie that considering what caveats I have cast among them, if they should not therupon resolve to gratifie the K. till they heare howe her Highnes will brake of his motion, it were a great assurance unto her, that their interior affections are sounde and syncere. But otherwise, if their hast be so great, to condescend to his request, that they will make no kinde of reckning of her liking or disliking, then there might be just occasion, fol.106v
both to speake unto them in other termes, about the mater of remboursement, and to doubt there is some drift prejudicial to her Majestie in this newe confir- mation of their ancient alliance.
Harangieres, who commaunded in the castle of Huy, contrarie to all mens expectation of his vertu and valor, hath surrendred the place. The Enemie began his batterie the 9 of this moneth, and a breache being made the next day after, upon offer of composi- tion to depart with bagge and baggage, he presently yelded. Which troubles the States out of measure, be- cause he bare them in hand in all his lettres, and na- mely by one, which they receaved the same day, that the place was given up, that he would holde it for two yeres at the lest (for he had so long provision) though the Enemie should assault him with fifetie thou- sand men. Count Philip with his forces doth rest in garrison in the land of Luxenbourgh in those three litle townes, which were taken by the D. of Bouillon. But where we made account, that they were towardes 3000 when they marched from hens, it is reported by one, that is newely come to them, that they are not nowe a 1000. They mutined Italians, who lie at Tienen, or Tillemont, in Brabant, have sent their Deputies hither, to treat of somwhat with Co. Maurice: but whereunto it ten- deth I can not yet signifie. For they have taken for a time an imprest of the Enemie, who feedes them still with promises, to give them their asking. There are among them notwithstanding, which say they will come and serve the states: which in many mens opninons were better lost then found: for that fol.107r
fewe of those troupes will doe any good service, ether heere or with the Enemie. Heere is no resolution taken, of any service to be done this sommer nowe comming: aswell for the want of the peoples consent to this yeres contribution, which is not yet past: as because they lacke their forces, which thei sent to the D. of Bouillon: and the troupes heere at home are both fewe and weake in number. So that all, as I thinke, that will be attempted, shall be done in the Twent and the Drent, for the taking in of Grolle, Oldenzeel, Otmaertsen, and some other litle fortes which are helde by the Enemie. The taking in of Huy was a mater concluded without the privitie of the Provinces, by some fewe among themselves, and therfore nowe, as I heare, sith the event proves no happier, the common people grudge at it, and at the sending of their forces to the D. of Bouillon, esteeming it fitter to imploy them at home, and not to embrace so many actions, in places so remote, where they have no ready meanes to second their companies, or to send any rescue. And thus I take my leave. From the Hage. 18 March 1594. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley