fol.95vAddressed: To the right honorable Sir Robert Cecill knight one of her Highnes privy Councel.
Endorsed: 8 March 1594 Master Bodley to my Master. From the Haghe./
Later Addition: 8 March 94/5
May it please your H. to be advertised, that accor- ding to your lettre of the 21 of February which I have recea- ved, and humbly thanke yow for it, I am greatly desirous, to take any fitte course, that Sir Horace might be paied. The debt hath bin required by my proposition, not as the rest in general termes, but as desired by her Majestie to be first of all discharged, and I looke for an answear every day. There- after as they frame it, I must referre it to her Majestie or replie upon it heere: wherein I will not omitte to alleage for Sir Horace, what is meetest for his purpose: and to drawe them, if I can, to acknow- ledge those 2 pointes, which your H. hath sette downe. Howbeit I have signified already by a former unto yow, wherupon they will insist, as I ghessed by the speeches, which I had with some in privat. If once thei should dischardge a debt of that nature, they are so muche afraid of the consequence of it, as I make full account, I shall sooner winne them to rembourse to her Highnes a great summe of mony by vertu of that right, whereby she doth demaunde this general restitu- tion, then any litle debt that was made by them in Brabant. Nevertheles I will doe my best endevor, sith it is her Highnes pleasure, it being sufficient to make me imploy all my wittes, though your H. commenda- tion might move me to doe any thing, and otherwise of my self I will be weery of no paines in any cause of Sir Horace Pallavicine. For mater of occurrence, this is all that we have, that the castle of Huy in the land of Luycke, which we surprised of late, is besieged by La Motte. His forces are be- tween fower and 5000 foote, and towardes 500 horse. fol.94v
The Governor of the Castle Harangieres, who is a very sufficient and resolute soldier, hath written to Count Maurice, that he hopes to hold his owne. He hath men enough within, and provision sufficient, both of victual, powder and munition. It is also supposed that after a couple of monethes, there will be meanes for the states to rescue the place. It is written for certaine from Andwerp, that the Count de Fuentes, doth governe all by provision in the Enemies affaires: but they say the greater part of the nobilitie of those Pro- vinces, are gone from Brussels to their homes. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. March 8 1594. Your H. at commaundement Tho. Bodley