fol.109vEndorsed: De Monssieur Bodley le 26me de fevrier 1594 a monsieur le Comte d'Essex 1594
Maie it please your good L. here I send you the Copies of two intercepted lettres, having allso sent the like unto my L. Tresurer. They were sent from Brussells for Rome, & written by one Willam Creytton a scottishe Jesuit, a man of creditt & experience, & the cheifest plotter, as I have hard of these troubles in Scotland. One of the lettres is addressed to cardinall Caeten, & the other to the generall of the Jesuites. Thomas Tyrie whoe is thought to be the man that can doe them so much good, is nephew to James Tyrie, in time past a famous professor amounge the Jesuites of Paris, but now abiding in Rome. The L. Humes & the wife of Thomas Tyrie, are brother & sisters children.
Of all other matters I have written to your L. the 22th of this moneth. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage Feb 26 1594. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.