Maie it please your good Lop. upon conference had with Master Barnvelt and with some other of the State for the advancement of my service I see this message of her Majestie doth troble them exceedinglie, for they seme verie loth to retorne a naked answere and to give her good content. They pleade unhabillity, But their greatest doubt is this whether in this conjecture, (as they terme it) and as the present state standeth both with them and the enemie, and those that now endevour to drawe them to a peace consideringe also this yeares contribucion is not accorded by the provincesit were convenient, to impart to the people her Majesties demaundes, for they said they can doe nothinge wthout their approbation, for contenting of her Majestie and to publishe unto them which her Highnes requireth, they hold it very dangerous in this present occurrence of so sundrie great and waighty affaires, They have bene often together to determine upon it, but they are with no conclusion I expect every daie when some shalbe deputed to come in conference with me [and by] that as I thinke I shall ghesse somwhat neere, both how they will forme their present answere, and with successe in the ende I am like to have. Coronell Steward hath bene with me, and in communication hath declared, that his comminge to the States is for no other cause, but first to [.] an alliance betweene the Kinge and these Contrys such as hath bene established in former tymes, Secondly to acquaint them very thoroughly with the present Estate of Scotlande, and then lastely to request they advise, together with their succor /without proposing wherein but according to their power/ and soe as they shall finde the necessity of the K. which toucheth them in like manner yf his ennemies should prevaile, And this he pretendes to be a course, which the K. is forced to take, for saith he, if he cannot be supported by the Q. of Engelande, by whom he sawe his estates but slenderlie regarded, to whome should he seeke but to the people of these provinces through the help of these discourses which I recevid of Sir Robert Cecill I was feared with good matter to answere his complaint which he uttered notwithstanding without anie passion and with a preface before, full of dewtyfull wordes of respecte to her Majestie howbeit I hope by that litle and by other conjectures that he useth other phrases in other companie abroade, I have done what I can to feele the States diposition to gratefie the Kinge but I cannot yet perceive that they are bent thereunto not for fol.110v
Not for want of affecion (for undoubtedly [that] waie they are forward) but yf they will releeve him it must be onlie with monie. For [man] I am sure they cannot spare w[ch yf they had in their cofferes, or could devise to come by it I doe not doubt but some good portion would be graunted her Highnes and to content the K. besides, There is no manner of probabillity that they will and be able, It is also signified by the Coronell unto me, that to strengthen the league betweene the Kinges and these Contries, he hath [an] chardge to motion a matche betweene the Earle of Orkanie and theLa: Emilia Lo: Maurices Sister, which I heare them saie here is labour lost, for that the Earles dwellinge is farre of, and as it is saide, he hath no asseurance of the Orcades bycause they have bene claimed by the K. of Denmarke, and was a late speeche of this Q. of Scotlande, that she hoped her Sonne should enjoye those Isles, where your Lop putteth me in minde by a lettre: of the 25 of the last of the sute of the marchantes adventurers, about the tarring of their clothes, and of the abuse of those of Midlebourg And was carefulle follwed by Mr Gilpin before, who hath and will certefie what reformation therein is intended by the States, And so for the [former] I doe but watche an opportunity to recommend it with the soonest, for nowe I am certaine I should come out of season to cause them to assemble for a matter of that quallity. And where your Lop would be informed of the numbers remayninge of the inglishe Regiment in the states paie, I finde by inquirie of their commissarie by whome they were mustered very lately, that he reckonned 900 or more verie able and soldierlike menne And that of the residewe manie are runne awaie and manie gonne with lycense, and also divers consumed with sicknes and in serrvice, we are no longer nowe in doubt but that the Castell and towne of Huy or Hoy in the land of Luycke are surprised, and kepte with 600 foote and 200 horse of this Contrie, Harangieres the gouvernor of Breda comaunding in the castell and an other captaine in the Towne. Yf the place be so stronge by nature as every man reportes as can be strengthed by art and Industrie, being situat as it is upon so famous a River, and in the middest of so many riche provinces it wilbe undoubtedly be brought to yeld fol.111r
To yeld a large Revenewe, by meanes of newe Contributions and divers kindes of impositions that maie be raised in [time] upon the Contry and the River, morover the passadge too and fro betweene the Contry and Italy will now in a manner be closed up cleane, the soner throughe the aide of the D. of Bouillon, who hath his armie there at hande within 6 dutche milles, For effecte it is thought that the takeing of this place will cause a great alteration in the actions of this Contry and I hope it will advance that which I am to negotiate. The defeate of our horsemen whereof I writte in my last hath bene verefied unto us, but there were no more as nowe we are advertysed but 4 cornetts in all, and we have lost but [for] 70 horse which I thinke will prove a favorable.
I doe also underatnd that the states have a prupose yf they finde upon tryall that Huy is stronge and tenable, to take and fortefie somme place about the midde waie betweene it and Breda which will add a great asseurance to the holdinge of the Towne and doe the Enemie more annoyance
The Bishop of Liege hath sent his Ambassadors hither to expostulate the taking of Huy being a nutral place, But they have had no audience as yet. The Scotche K. hath given Commission to the Counsell of the Scotche marchants resyding in Torvere in Zelande, whome they otherwyse terme Conservator of their priviledges to continewe there as his Ambassador ligger with the States his name is Robert Devinston a man brought up for in the studie of the Civill Lawes and in travell It is advertysed hether by the Aggent, Agent of the States resydinge in Scotlande that the K. there of late hath set his meanes at a higher rate then their valewe, and hath withall procured fol.111v
Endorsed: De Master Bodly a monsieur la [grand] Tresurer. 14 Fevrier 1594.
Procured by his marchants out of Zelande ten thowsande poundes sterlinge to be convaied unto him in Coine which some interpret here to be a spetiall token of a great alteration like to ensewe knowinge nothinge besides worthe the wrytinge to your Lop I leave my humble leave