Letter ID: 0459
Reference: TNA, SP 84/49/81 f.81r-82v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0459/000
Date: 03 August 1594
Copies: 1380 0044 0458



Addressed: To my vearie lovinge frend Master Bodeleie Esquier, Counsellor for hir Majestie in the Counsell of Estate in the lowe Cuntries.

Endorsed: From my L. Tresurer August 3 1594

Endorsed: From my L. Tresurer August 3 1594

Later Addition: August 3 1594 Holland


Sir. upponn the fyrst daie of this moneth at one instant I received three letters from yowe, 2 of the xxth of the last moneth, and the 3d of the xxvijth, by both the former it appeareth that uppon the receipt of my letters of the vijth of Julie declaringe hir Majesties purpose to reskewe Brest and request to have their assistance by Sea, yowe had conference with the States abowt the same, in whome yowe found good disposicion to assist hir Majestie in that Enterprise with nine or tenne shippes: But yet bicawse yowe weare not hable to declare unto them the particularities of hir Majesties resolucion for the time, and the Rendez vous, neither with the number of hir Majesties shippes, soldiers, municion & powder theie cowld not make present determinacion with yowe, & yet nevertheles it appeareth by your second letter that Monsieur Caron had advertised the States perticulerlie of hir Majesties purpose, as the same was determined in my howse the xvth of the last moneth and confering with yowe theareuppon yowe alledged that yowe had not understood the particuler pointes theareof, and so it semeth by your writinge, that for lacke of your Informacion the matter was at a staie, althowgh it might appeare well unto yowe by their owne report that hir Majesties demaund was to have nine or tenne shippes for tenne monethes, whearein theie fownde noe difficultie to yelde unto the Quene, nor to the provision of 20000 weight of powder: and yet theie cowld not well conceive what was ment by a request of two monethes victuels for 2000 menn: theie also semed to finde lack in that there was noe mentionn made of municion, nor of greater quantetie of powder for the recoverie of the fort of Brest. And by your letter of the 28 yt semeth that upponn a letter written by Monsieur de Caron unto them the verye xvth daie of Julie, that he was countermaunded the same daie, by all which uncertainties it hath fallen owt verye unluckelie that thes preparacons of the States have honge in suspence and cannot be executed so sone as the time requireth. But for clearing of all thes former scruples, yowe shall understand that the verie xvth of Julye Monsieur Caron was directed not onely what to demaund, of the States, but at what time the same was required, and what weare the forces then determined by hir Majesty fol.81v
And thowgh it was trewe that the same daie he was written unto by my sonne uppon the Quenes Commaundement, that he should staie the stending awaie of his lettres for the present untill he might be newlie spoken with all, which was ment to be the next daie, and having received that Countermande, he made awnswere presentlie that he had alreadie sent awaie his lettres to the States agreable to the motions made to him the said xvth, wherewith hir Majestie beinge made acquainted, she was verey well satisfied, and allowed of his dilligence, and so untill the verye time of the receipt of thes your latter letters wee weare in opinion & expectation to have held of thes assistances of the States Ships, and other their provisions to have been at Portesmowth, before the fift of this present moneth. And nowe to explane the demaundes as theye weare made It is trewe [theire] weare demaunded xij shippes at the least and victuels for 2000 men that might serve by land for 2 monethes and as I thinke but 20000 weight of powder, withowt anie wordes of municion: But nowe to reduce our demaundes to more certaintie, hir Majestie can be contented with tenne shippes, if otherwise the States shall not yeld to xij: and for the vic- tuells, consideringe that which is alledged by yow of the darthe of victuells theare, and the cheapenes heare, that demaund may be forborne, althowgh at this present by the unseasonablenes of the yeare, I thinke the darthe of victuels is more heare then theare, considering the provision of Corne that readelye is to be had owt of the East Cuntries into thes / As for the small qauntety of powder demaunded; I thinke the same was mistaken in writinge for indeade 20000 weight of powder is little more then 8 lastes, so as it is nowe rather, required to have threescoare thowsand weight, which is not thirtie lastes, and yet if xxxty lastes maye be had, It shall well content hir Majestie, and so I hope theye will yeld theareunto, and if it shall be more, it shall be the more thankefull./ At this time wee have had speeche with Monsieur Caron declaringe to him the uncertainties gathered by your letter, wheareunto for our better satisfaccion, he sheweth us letters written to him from the haghe the 29 of Julye, wheareby in expresse wordes theie write that theie are readie to send awaie theire assistance, makinge noe mention of anie dowbt or delaie thearein, and yet nevertheles he is directed to write back againe thither with all speed to hasten the same, by whome I doe send thes my letters to yowe at this time. From the Cort this third of August 1594. Your very loving frend W Burghley

Postscript: We ar certenly advertised that Laon is rendred to the K. and the DD de mayn and armale ar chased owt of Amyens